Comment history

larry says...

Stem cell, Online gaming and Marijuana on its way whats next legalized Murder their way of dealing with crime is to legalize everything on the books and guess what it will cause a drop in crime.

larry says...

good work i hope they are not given bail again

On Two arrested after robbery

Posted 5 March 2014, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

Can someone please help me i have goggled for the most dangerous countries and the countries with the most murders per capita and guess what the Bahamas does not show up anywhere on any of these lists where did this information come from?

larry says...

There is no other country in the world geographically located so close to the united states and 2 of the most violent and poorest Nations in the world. Also with a number of other islands to police. so no other Nation or country can tell us from their experience how to police here but yet the majority of ungrateful Bahamians complain about the Police here wow.

larry says...

The US the most racist country in the world whose country was built on slavery who run the black Haitians but openly accepts the Cubans "white foot black foot policy" please any other country. They want to take our country like Hawaii

On Abuse highlighted in human rights report

Posted 28 February 2014, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

B.E.C. is already sold stop playing with us and just go public with it already

On 'Two to three weeks' to hear decision on BEC

Posted 27 February 2014, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

now every Bahamian will have glaucoma and can you take this "medication" on the job all jobs think about it

On Bahamas 'to consider medicinal marijuana'

Posted 26 February 2014, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

An American Tax attorney was elected as a Member of Parliament and brought in with him this type of taxation called Valued Added Tax guess who is going to make a bundle of money with his Tax law firm ????

larry says...

what about how illegal guns and ammunition are smuggled out of the U.S into the Bahamas and other Caribbean and when these weapons are used on an American citizen they put out a travel advisory against us why are they not protecting our borders.

On US fears over border security

Posted 19 February 2014, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

remember now this poor man suffered a stroke and his mental capacity may not yet have recovered i blame those around him who are taking full advantage of this