Comment history

larry says...

remember when the Governor General of the Bahamas with the red passport and Diplomatic immunity was held by the U.S. Custom for questioning did we ever get an apology or were they doing their jobs

larry says...

wow take a white man in for investigation into his migrant status the house slaves goes crazy why you touch our white master but grab up some black migrants and they say take um all and they were immigration officers who took him into cutody

larry says...

the Bahamian people have to make up our minds weather or not we want to get serious with crime and criminal activities regardless if these persons caught ans sentenced is our cousins, uncles, aunts, nephew brother sisters moms or dads because guns KILLS

On Six years in jail for gun possession

Posted 4 December 2013, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

My Bahamian people don't be blindsided the online gaming bill for casinos not owned or operated by Bahamians to get their licence is on the table

larry says...

so how easy it is to smuggle illegal weapons out of the U.S.A. but when these weapons are used on their citizens they put advisories against us. Why should we beg for their help when they allow the guns to leave their country to kill us off

On Bran's brother shot dead

Posted 25 October 2013, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

this is an insult by Bishop Hall whenever a police officer dawns his uniform they are indeed putting the country first i personally know a police officer who was killed in the line of duty he was not thinking of himself when he made the ultimate sacrifice for the service of his country he left his family behind but everyone forgot this is indeed a thankless job but i guess someone will say he was paid to be killed God watch over them and our country.

On 'Police officers should put country first'

Posted 17 October 2013, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

well the criminals are resting now all they have to do is wait those in jail are well rested only a matter of time before some of them come out on bail do the the math well rested criminals vs the tired police force the donkey did not have ak47's Christmas around the corner

larry says...

it seems that there are a whole lot of desk warriors who sit behind their desk and watch a scripted law and order where in an hour the problems of the world are solved by six actors take the time out and read America with all the best of the best has five of the most crime ridden cities in the world read. God rested on the seventh day who is man

larry says...

i also feel the judicial system should have been placed on 12hours shift along with immigration and customs official to deal with illegal immigrants and persons who bring illegal guns through our ports using cargo to smuggle them in and pay all over time

larry says...

my thing is the judge released the two co-accused