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larry says...

i dont understand this he is guilty because the jury believed his statement was true and legally obtained but his two co-accused were released who were implicated in the crime in his statement hmmmmmmm

larry says...

never heard of that before to acquit an accused

larry says...

is this is the reason why the government is trying so hard to buy the city market warehouse for $25 million when we are broke?

On City Markets workers bid to jail Finlayson

Posted 2 October 2013, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

There are no "dead beat dad" laws this is a civil action by the mother to make fathers maintain their kids maybe it should be mandatory when a mother registers a child she must put on the form who the father of the child is so when these matters go before court at least there is a record to show in court.

larry says...

so it is alleged that this person was killed for seeking at a woman my God if this is true what kind of demons are roaming our land

larry says...

i agree with "bismark" Bahamians first but you have our brothers for a few dollars would front businesses for foreigners.

On Dealer 'wiped out' by auto duty changes

Posted 18 June 2013, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

it looks as if everyone is missing what is going on in this country there is no swift justice in this country the judicial system needs to catch up with a number of murder cases that have not yet been heard you can have one million police come from every corner of the world but when criminals are arrested after years waiting trial they will be released to continue with their criminal activities on bail. we need judges and magistrates

larry says...

this bail act is killing our country what happened to swift justice this case can be heard within tree months not years all persons are present

On Sex attack suspect on bail

Posted 12 June 2013, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

i would really like to see American cops going into the ghettos going to arrest someone you think they would chair and say take me away. the only help we need from the U.S. is for them to stop illegal guns from leaving that country and being used on our streets and stop deporting criminals who are not Bahamians here.

On Govt to seek help to deal with crime

Posted 11 June 2013, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

the best way the u.s. can help us is by stopping the illegal guns coming from out of their country into ours that's all i ask from them we do not produce hand guns or bullets here yet they are readily available here for these punks to use on our streets

On US diplomat robbed and assaulted

Posted 10 June 2013, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal