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larry says...

i know our police are very capable with handling the crime wave here but when you have one agency dealing with criminals and the rest of the country either with the criminals and the rest refusing to do anything it will be a long hard battle.

larry says...

this means there will be retaliation murders so look for a gang war

larry says...

there are terrorist acts going on in America are Bahamians being advised and warned how many Bahamians were robed and murdered in the Great united states i have heard the horror stories what about our safety when we travel.are there no crimes in America watch the news

On Cruise passengers told to be on their guard

Posted 17 April 2013, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

so you think the families of the 4in 1000,000 feel any better.even in the great America or the great Bahamas people are being murdered

larry says...

"The people will complain police brutality and abuse of power" just amend the bail act for all serious matters and adopt the three strike law

On Man shot and body burned

Posted 25 March 2013, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

what is it with my Bahamian people we need to get from out our mental slavery the white man ice is not colder. Is America so great are you saying there is no crime there don't forget their president was killed in broad daylight there what about all the mass killings in their school churches movie theaters has that happened in the Bahamas maybe some of our cops need to go there and train them wake up

larry says...

is that the demon called stealing cause he keeps making people do things

larry says...

i find it hard to believe that because the letter "L" but you have to produce a photo government i.d. to obtain court bail someone would have seen this in the AG office something is rotten here

larry says...

but only one year under the amended law it was suppose to be a minimum of four (4) years i wonder why is that

On PLP campaign general gets a year in jail

Posted 5 February 2013, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

are you telling me that all board members of all government agencies make this type of money where can i get my application form forget about being a member of parliament sign me up.

On Cargill's pay 'in line' with other agencies

Posted 11 December 2012, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal