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larry says...

this is the problem in our country now crime on the rise and those who are suppose to protect us are defending the alleged criminals who do they really represent.

larry says...

will the Bahamian people have to foot the bill for these guilty men

On Appeal to go to London

Posted 10 October 2012, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

i thought prison was the place to be if you committed an offense punishable by law next Mr. Rahming would blame a murdered victim for being killed causing the prison to be over populated what is next look out Police Force you will be blamed for locking up the murderers, rapist, drug dealers and the rest you are overpopulating the prison.

On Prison Chief speaks out

Posted 25 May 2012, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

The PLP is indeed going to listen to its base The Royal Bahamas Police Force is now going to be baby sitters going into the schools and maids going into the over the hill communities to clean up. These will be 9-5 jobs that will take away from police officers being on the street during the hours that major crimes are committed has anyone asked the question will ther be police officers assigned to private schools think about it.

On Tread carefully, Mr Minister

Posted 21 May 2012, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

larry says...

if the urban renewal project was so successful then we would still be reaping the fruits of its labor so any well thinking human being is saying that when we took the police from cleaning the peoples homes and communities the people started killing each other only when the P.L.P comes back to power and give the police back the dustpans this will stop these criminals from killing and robbing.

On Two die in night of violence

Posted 4 May 2012, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal