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linnassau says...

It is a very sad day, this country is too small for all that goes on in it. Looks like we are ending the year the same way it was started.

On Two men dead after shootings

Posted 26 December 2013, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

The authorities and the courts seem so impotent when it comes to weeding out the criminals from among us. If they could be weeded out I guess, just like the grass where weeds infest, there would be more criminals to replace what has been weeded out.

linnassau says...

This authorities and the courts seem so impotent when it comes to weeding out the criminals from among us. If they could be weeded out I guess, just like the grass where weeds infest, there would be more criminals to replace what has been weeded out.

linnassau says...


linnassau says...

Amen. They won't get away in Long island.

On Haitian migrants land on Long Island

Posted 3 December 2013, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

This country must be the laughing stock of the world. We seem as though we lack the will or determination to deal effectively with this situation. It is indeed a very vexing issue but one that needs to be handled with diplomacy and humaneness.

linnassau says...

These are the times in which we live. This is spiritual warfare going on here. The foundation of society is badly eroded. The quality of family life is no longer what it use to be. Everything else crumbles as a result.

On Church robbed in broad daylight

Posted 23 November 2013, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

So let God's will prevail.

linnassau says...

We are hitting new lows in this country and the enemy seems to be winning the war, he has a short time. People have given up on God are not yielding to Him, hence the social problems.

linnassau says...

This is spoken about in Revelation 16:20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And huge hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, because its plague was extremely severe. But many people do not seem to believe in God's Holy Word anymore and worse do not read it.
Right now the islands of the Caribbean is under threat from rising sea levels.

On $900m risk from rising sea levels

Posted 17 November 2013, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal