Comment history

linnassau says...

Its about time members of the public spring into action. Hallelujah!!!

linnassau says...

All credit needs to be given to The Lord!!!

On School violence ‘on the decline’

Posted 14 September 2013, 8:02 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

My sympathy for the family in this time of distress. My pray is that he be found and God reveals everything. Seems like another fishy incident.

On Search under way for jet ski operator

Posted 21 August 2013, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

Something smells in this story and it is not the fish. My question is this, How was or is the boyfriend involved in all of this? Why did he not call members of his own immediate family?

linnassau says...

Nothing has changed notice how, the fairer skinned Cubans in Florida are the ones always complaining about wanting their countrymen on American soil. They are attention seekers wanting to damage others eg, The Bahamas to get social and political milage for themselves.

linnassau says...

Those Cubans with US citizenship wants the Bahamian Government to hand those Cubans over to them. They do not want the Bahamian Government to return those Cubans to Cuba.
Hence, their plan to lay a false claim that those Cubans at the Detention Centre are being abused in the Bahamas - nothing but fabricated and concocted lies.


Posted 21 July 2013, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

Let's not be hypocritical about this now. The rank and file of Bahamians have contributed to this present state of affairs. They, the illegal immigrants come, see and live, and then we hire them to work illegally, for which many of them are underpaid in order to continue to live in these substandard conditions and then we make noise when we see the shanty towns proliferating all over the islands of the Bahamas. We need to be more proactive to eliminate the problem at its source and that is the jobs which we provide to them circumventing our laws and undermining our own selves. The various governmental agencies ( imigration, health and education )can network to determine the true numbers of illegal immigrants here. Those agencies being Social health care provided through the clinics and PMH, our educational system and we can have a true idea as to their economic impact. We already see the cost as it translates to repatriation exercises, it is becoming very burdensome for us. The tax payers monies can be wisely spent in better ways to improve this country. On a final note it is extremely important to be able to illegal immigrants as humane as possible but protecting Bahamians in the long term.

On Minister releases shanty towns report

Posted 3 July 2013, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

Keep standing firm on this issue Bishop. These students and their parents are out of order.

linnassau says...

There is no earthly solution to crime and the criminals, but Jesus.

On Crime still 'as intense' as before

Posted 27 December 2012, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

linnassau says...

If there was an earthly solution to crime it would have been solved. Sadly, there is no earthly solution to crime. We must unite and ask for protection from crime and the criminals. We if we were surrendering to Jesus and reading and obeying His Word, life might be better. It will not get better. It will get worse before Our Lord and Saviour arrives back to claim His own.

On linnassau

Posted 27 December 2012, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal