Comment history

lionfish says...

They have no more planes. I heard that was the last one.

lionfish says...

They are inept. If my air-condition does not work I fix it pronto. Come on this is really silly.

lionfish says...

She thinks we are.

lionfish says...

"In April, Columbian Emeralds International opened a new store at Sandals LaSource Resort in Grenada."
This IS a conflict of interest!!! Different Sandals in different places are still owned by the same corporation. What kind of game is she playing?

lionfish says...

Can you say VAT?

On Income inequality widens in the Bahamas

Posted 12 April 2016, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

So..... I hold a meeting every day with my toilet.

lionfish says...

Quote----"The embassy also advised that demonstrations intended to be peaceful have, at times, turned confrontational and escalated into violence."
What they left out------in the us!

The embassy also advised that demonstrations intended to be peaceful have, at times, turned confrontational and escalated into violence in the us.

They have no basis to make this comment about the Bahamas.

lionfish says...

Mr Davis has acknowledged that he knew the criminals for several years;

On Davis 'set up' FNM chairman

Posted 23 March 2016, 1:38 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

Minnis met Toogie- Boogie. Davis also met Toogie-Boogie. Maybe Christie should be afraid that Brave is the one who put the hit. Brave has more to gain..........just sayin'.

On Davis 'set up' FNM chairman

Posted 23 March 2016, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal