Comment history

lionfish says...

How could the videos be staged when Nygard is in them?? That makes no sense.

lionfish says...

Plus --- this particular blogger is only semiliterate. Geeze.

lionfish says...

The programs listed come to 17.6 million. Where is the other 2.4 million going?

lionfish says...

Did you mean to say "Most Typo Critical in History?"

lionfish says...

Haha- Thanks for that GrassRoots. Gave me a chuckle.

On Roberts mocks FNM candidates

Posted 13 January 2016, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

Can The Tribune please turn off that weather forecast video that comes on whenever you open a page? Lower right corner, black box. It is extremely annoying and if you look at more than one page even more so. Thank you.

lionfish says...

Can The Tribune please turn off that weather forecast video that comes on whenever you open a page? Lower right corner, black box. It is extremely annoying and if you look at more than one page even more so. Thank you.

lionfish says...

Can The Tribune please turn off that weather forecast video that comes on whenever you open a page? Lower right corner, black box. It is extremely annoying and if you look at more than one page even more so. Thank you.

On Roberts mocks FNM candidates

Posted 12 January 2016, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

Can The Tribune please turn off that weather forecast video that comes on whenever you open a page? Lower right corner, black box. It is extremely annoying and if you look at more than one page even more so. Thank you.

On College tutor killed in fight

Posted 12 January 2016, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

lionfish says...

Can The Tribune please turn off that weather forecast video that comes on whenever you open a page? Lower right corner, black box. It is extremely annoying and if you look at more than one page even more so. Thank you.