Comment history

lobsta says...

It's simple. Let them hire freely and they will do business in the Bahamas. The truth is that any business is better than no business and this will create jobs for Bahamians and bring revenue.

On ‘We need more from resident billionaires’

Posted 18 November 2021, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

The Tribune should lock comments on any of these articles. It's infuriating reading these comments that actively prolong the pandemic. Get your vaccine and get back to life!

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

Every other country on the planet shows the same, yet you claim it's all a conspiracy. All made up right? The reality is that vaccines work and you are wrong, deadly wrong. You are the problem! The ones who are vaccinated are the solution. You keep on insulting people who spent decades in their field. Everyone who is an actual expert disagrees with you, every one! Worldwide, everywhere. It's not even close. How wrong can you be?

On Vast majority of COVID dead never took jab

Posted 13 September 2021, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

These vaccines have gone through real world testing in the literal billions. 99.9% of experts (not Facebook moms) agree that they are safe and effective. The majority of reasonable and well informed people have run out of patience with this insulting and selfish behavior. Get vaccinated!

lobsta says...

Research! Who in this country thinks they are qualified to do research? 99% of those "researching" have a below average education and those 1% left, have no qualification in the field. Stop insulting thousands of experts worldwide and take the damn vaccine! Who do you think you are? These are people who spent their lifetime in research and education, they all support the vaccines. No, there is no really qualified scientist, publication, study or otherwise who supports the stupidity of half of the commenters here. Zero, nada!

On PM urges public to take COVID-19 vaccine

Posted 23 August 2021, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

No, that's not a big question at all for normal people. The US is not shipping expired vaccines. The US expressly ordered vaccines to be donated to other countries. It's simply good diplomacy. Compared to defense spending it's nothing. I am getting sick and tired of all you people trying to undermine the vaccination effort. You should be ashamed of yourself and go back to your conspiratorial caves whence you came from.

lobsta says...

The vaccine has been available for months. Just because the Pfizer vaccine is slightly better doesn't mean you need to put yourself and others at risk. Don't be selfish and get vaccinated ASAP! The Pfizer vaccine should be used for the 12-18 year old first.

lobsta says...

not upset at all. Darwin is at work.

On QC Wayne Munroe in hospital with COVID

Posted 5 August 2021, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

> highly educated QC

In an interview with The Nassau Guardian last week, Munroe said he was not vaccinated against COVID-19 and did not intend to take “an experimental vaccine”.

On QC Wayne Munroe in hospital with COVID

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

inefectiveness? These are some of the most effective vaccines ever, billionfold tested... yes over one billion doses administered and you keep spreading outright falsehoods and lies. You are effectively helping people die of COVID. You have blood on your hands.