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lobsta says...

Looks like the union is back at sabotaging. It's really sad.

On Union’s challenge on BPL blackout

Posted 17 June 2021, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

Ah... those foreign owners who ALL pay they their taxes every year? It's the Bahamians who don't pay at all. But go ahead and make it about all the bad, bad foreigners.

lobsta says...

Especially with the terrible, almost laughable inability of some retailers to keep stock of basic items while bringing in all sorts of niche products. If a US supermarket chain where to take hold, both AML and Supervalue would be out of business tomorrow. It's telling when you can airfreight in goods at similar prices. Plus you have the assurance the goods have been properly stored.

lobsta says...

That's NOT the AstraZeneca vaccine. Read the damn article.

lobsta says...

Ah... the misinformation perpetuated by Fox et al. It's amazing to see even Bahamians think any Democrat is some radical socialist hell bent on turning the US into a communist state. At the same time cunning, but also inept and corrupt. Elsewhere in advanced and functioning democracies these policies are considered common sense. The sad thing is that you all been had by catering to your feelings of inadequacy and fear.

On Cubans lived on coconuts for five weeks

Posted 10 February 2021, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

> Why would they do this if the vaccine was not effective in the over 65s

because it's not been proven to be effective enough....the UK just went ahead regardless. That's not only the opinion of the EU authorities, but also that of other countries, like Switzerland which approves them independently. Plus the vaccine has been shown to be rather ineffective at treating the new South African strain.

On Vaccines for over-70s

Posted 9 February 2021, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

So Shell didn't want to bribe anyone. Got it. So here we go again with unreliable and expensive electricity.

lobsta says...

I am not sure why people think letting in people will make any difference to infection rates in the Bahamas. It's not like the Bahamas is doing better than any other place. Since visitors need to get tested they will be a smaller risk than the average resident.

lobsta says...

That's exactly what needs to happen, people need to start doing it by themselves. The pointless micro-management is counter productive because it absolves the population of responsibility. The 'closed beaches' are now even more stupid than they were to begin with.

lobsta says...

For one it's really a bad comparison, because the US has a lot of overland power lines... but even then to compare the power reliability with the Bahamas is laughable at best and dishonest at worst. Lived in the US for over 10 years and the only time we had a power failure was during a tropical storm. Also, in some more developed countries in Europe you might have a power failure every couple of years... and then it's a big deal because the power was out for 30 minutes. So, yes the people at BPL are grossly incompetent.

On Another work permit warning

Posted 25 September 2020, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal