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lovingbahamas says...

First of all, who would ever partner with the government in a PPP without getting a substantial return on their investment? Because, if/when the next hurricane hits and their is no shipping,port destroyed, how is the private investor going to get his return. Is the government "guaranteeing" this? Secondly, with duties at 50-60%, how can it be possible that the government can't pay to have the port fixed and operate it without the extra burden of additional costs. As I recall, after the PPP at Pindling airport in Nassau, each ticket has something like $175 in additional fees to pay for the PPP. This is ludicrous.

lovingbahamas says...

Whoa! Someone is making a lot of money under the table. The dump by the airport is closed. The other dump is bulldozed a couple of times a month. Maybe right after they put the $13 million air terminal in TC they can jump right on this!

lovingbahamas says...

Another example of why the Bahamas is a third-or fourth world country. Charging for water they don't provide because you happen to have a water meter at your house after a devastating CAt 5 hurricane. And, then, they don't even respond! Welcome to the Bahamas!!

lovingbahamas says...

Two things that almost every third world country's share-unreliable electricity and non-drinkable water. The Bahamas has both and is basically a third world country until they can get this fixed. I don't understand how our elected officials can promise hundred million dollar new investments in resorts and hundreds of millions of dollars in repairs to our airports and yet they can't provide reliable electricity and drinkable water. And-it appears no one cares and no one is responsible. It is always someone else's problem. More and more people are buying expensive generators for their houses and are seeing all the new electronic appliances fried by the incessant "brown outs" and outages. Of course, it has been this way forever.

lovingbahamas says...

“I’m from the government and I am here to help”. RUN!

lovingbahamas says...

Unfortunately, the government of the Bahamas just doesn’t get it. It’s why the country keeps tripping over itself. With one of the most beautiful areas of the world to offer, and 300 million people next door, the country should be thriving. Instead, it is a bloated government with rising taxes, high duties and a high VAT. And, these PPP plans are crazy. No one will invest money at a reasonable interest rate because of the fear of getting paid. But, they just keep promising the natives they are going to spend millions and millions on new airports, roads and infrastructure. Yet, they can’t even provide reliable electricity and drinkable water. And, what’s worse, is some of my Bahamian brothers and sisters actually believe the crap the government tells them. Nothing will change.

On Customs ‘new rules’ sour visit

Posted 29 June 2023, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

More taxes=more money for corrupt people to get their hands on and hire 20 more people for no reason.

lovingbahamas says...

Immediate probably means by the next election.

On FNM wants immediate action on shanty towns

Posted 13 February 2023, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Let’s face it. The government did hardly anything to help the people of Abaco after Dorian. If it wasn’t for the NGO’s and our American friends Abaco was in big trouble. In some areas NGO’s provided drinkable water for 2 years. During the 3 years since Dorian, 2.5 were spent dealing with COVID and shortage of materials let alone loss of income from lack of tourists. The Abacos should be there own country like they originally wanted to be. It’s not surprising the Government is pulling the rug out from under them now!

lovingbahamas says...

Kovats is an imposter. It’s easy to keep a lawyer on a retainer and try to bully your way through. My hat is off to the current government to require the $25 m bond. Unfortunately, the next 8-10 years in court is going to prevent Treasure Cay from being developed in the near future. The people of Abaco deserve better!