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lovingbahamas says...

If I was PM Davis and the ministers, I would take this proposal as a total insult to my intelligence! This is a plan drawn up by a crony of Kovats that is a total smokescreen. The government requested Kovats put up a $20 million bond to show that he will complete the reconstruction. He refused. Now he blows smoke of a $100-200 million development?? Give me a break. If the government even gives this proposal 2 minutes I’ll be shocked. But, if they do, there are a lot of bridges for sale in NY they could buy too. Besides, Treasure Cay barely has a workable airport, a weak sewer system, problems with water and electricity. It took 3 years after Dorian to get the sewer system working and the homeowners had to foot part of the bill. Treasure Cay needs to be made right, but the more time they waste on Kovats the longer it is going to take to bring back TC! When Treasure Cay Resort was originally built, the government gave them 2 years to have a 38 room hotel, a marina and a golf course built. And they made it. It’s been 3 years since Dorian and nothing has been done to the hotel properties.

lovingbahamas says...

Kovats is a shadow figure. Makes one wonder why Meister’s are so intent on him owning it. Finally, the government has done something right to protect TC by requiring a $20 m bond. When the original TC was built, the government gave them 2 years to have a hotel, marina and golf course open. Kovats is going to sit on this. He is the worst thing for TC.

lovingbahamas says...

They better pray nothing bigger than a tropical storm hits this year with that whopping $500,000 ready! You

On NEMA 'ready for hurricane season'

Posted 3 June 2022, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

They were supposedly prepared for Dorian. It’s great to make some statement that you are prepared but the proof is in the pudding. The best resource post hurricane are American pilots and mariners bailing out the government. Hopefully, they won’t be charging people to evacuate on the national airline this time!

On GBPA: We’re ready for storm season

Posted 2 June 2022, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

I used Click 2 Clear for some ocean shipments. 4 months after I picked up the shipment they emailed me my shipment was released. This is a recipe for disaster. Especially out islands where computers will be down, etc. They already have everyone’s info on the health visa. Why be redundant??

On Last-minute rescue for private aviation

Posted 1 June 2022, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

fleece the tourists! Why not? They are already doing it with the $40 “health visa” scam! And the Click2Clear for pilots is another joke!

lovingbahamas says...

Why would the government give up on the $240,000,000 health visa/tax/scam they have been using?

lovingbahamas says...

This sale was never going to happen. Who is going to buy Treasure Cay and invest 30-40 million and basically have no infrastructure? Everyone has seen that the government has done minimal to help recover from the hurricane. It’s now been 32 months since Dorian. The airport at TCB is in a total state of disrepair. The local residents have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the sewer fixed then get charged by the government to use it. Why would anyone want to invest knowing that another hurricane would result in what we have seen? It is one of the most gorgeous places in the world.

On Treasure Cay buyer refuses $20m bond

Posted 12 April 2022, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Let's face it. The Meisters have abandoned Treasure Cay for greener pastures. They got their insurance money. If they don't do anything, they don't lose money. Someone would have to put millions into TC to even bring the marina back. And, with the Meisters iron grip on all the property, they aren't about to lease anything out nor would anyone pay anything to fix anything unless they know who the new owner is and what he is going to do. Without Kovats putting down some big bond to guarantee that he is going to actually do some rehab and not just sit on it, TC is dead in the water. The Bahama Beach Club is back so repair is possible. But, you have to care about it.

lovingbahamas says...

Maybe they can great rid of that money making scheme called “health visa” that has made the government $10 million and costs a family of four between $160 and $240. Or, let’s just keep fleecing the tourists!