Comment history

lovingbahamas says...

Why would anyone fly over Nassau to come to TCB instead of getting fuel in Nassau on the way to TCB. There are way more questions that need to be answered. I wonder if we will hear any more.

lovingbahamas says...

Just one more fee for people wanting to fly to the Bahamas. $50 landing fee, $60 health visa, $29 departure fee. So, you are now at $ $139 to land. Plus, now another $11 so we are at $150. Welcome to the Bahamas!

lovingbahamas says...

Where were the police while all this building was going on? Well, supposedly, the police didn’t have any place to stay in Abaco after Dorian. And, the few officers that were there rarely left their lodgings. Maybe the government should have hired The Farm workers to build lodging for them. Because, even though the government couldn’t figure out a way to “lodge” the police, the people at the farm managed to build hundreds of homes, some with impact windows, porches, generators and AC units. The looting has been relentless in Abaco. I pray for everyone here in the Bahamas that they don’t get a hurricane because the government can’t even supply basic necessities like water and electricity. They can’t even supply police!

lovingbahamas says...

The DRA is a joke. $2.7 million to help the people who need it but the government says it is going to spend something like $6 million on the TCB airport? Because of the delay by the DRA, poor souls are going to pay 100% more for materials then they would have a year ago. It’s been over 18 months since Dorian. Let this be a lesson to any other island that will be hit by a hurricane. you are on your own! Our government is great at making promises to get a lot of hype. But, there is no follow through!

lovingbahamas says...

It remains a mystery to me why the Bahamas requires a PCR test. Even the US allows a rapid test. Some countries even allow vaccinated people without tests. Time for us to move forward and alleviate another problem for travelers coming to visit us. I would rather have vaccinated guests than tested guests!

On Bahamas travel interest ramps up

Posted 8 April 2021, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Let’s see. Everyone knows you have to have water to survive. Electricity, while not as important, has become a basic human need. 18 months after Dorian still no constant water in the Abacos and now, just now, they are asking for more money, which will undoubtedly take months. What happened to the “complete assessment” it took WSC to do after Dorian? The WSC is as inept as BPL. The NGO drinking water providers pulled out months ago. And WSC just let them go. And, the sole electrical inspector of the entire Bahamas shows up monthly to ok connections. Meanwhile, The Farm, with illegal immigrants has generators running and water. Go figure!

On Water corp seeks $15m for Abaco

Posted 23 March 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

DNP Long Term Approach=Doing Nothing

lovingbahamas says...

God bless him. He was the last good PM we had!!

lovingbahamas says...

So, the water company doesn’t pay its subcontractor who is supplying water in some family islands, and the subcontractor shuts off the water. The government has an “emergency” action to order the company to turn the water back on. Yet, God forbid you don’t pay your BPL and you get cut off. I have had BPL surges destroy my equipment too. Good luck squeezing blood out of that turnip.

lovingbahamas says...

2 year renovation? Why didn’t they start that a year ago?

On Melia Nassau Beach to close for two years

Posted 15 February 2021, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal