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lovingbahamas says...

Another step in the wrong direction!

On Melia Nassau Beach to close for two years

Posted 15 February 2021, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Mr. Henfield said “Dorian was first of its kind”. He probably meant Cat 5. Because, the Bahamas are hit with hurricanes regularly. Look at Freeport. If there is nothing else, why not really push for a hurricane plan-which doesn’t exist right now. Why is Bahamas Air charging family islanders to evacuate? What about hurricane shelters built on Abaco? What about post hurricane help like drinking water? This government relied on NGO’s for well over a year to provide clean drinking water in Abaco. And, when the NGO’s gave up after 15 months-poof! Drinking water gone! I am not taking political sides. But, he should be screaming for help-or maybe “doing his best” just isn’t good enough!

On North Abaco MP: I did my best

Posted 15 February 2021, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Prepare for the bait and switch to the Chinese vaccine. It’s on the dark horizon!

lovingbahamas says...

Or how about getting a false positive in the Bahamas, not being able to get on an aircraft to the U.S., and getting to pay for 14 more nights of lodging and another test hoping it isn't false positive too.

lovingbahamas says...

Let’s see? Do I go to Bahamas, make expensive plane reservations, pay $200 for a Covid test, pay $100+ for a “health visa”, have a panic attack about getting everything done before I have to change/cancel my reservation, get to the Bahamas and have to figure out how to get my daily email on Covid conditions to the government, pay $50 for a Covid test to get back into the US. OR, do I just go to the Florida Keys with none of the above? And, which brain surgeon minister is not allowing rapid testing instead of PCR to enter the Bahamas now? Our own government uses it on the 5th day test and the US allows it to enter. Shouldn’t we try to make it just a little easier for our visitors?

lovingbahamas says...

Just wait. They’ll probably swap out the AZ vaccine for the Chinese one at the last second. Then what? I ain’t taking that Chinese one!

lovingbahamas says...

Remember the old days? Duties were like 10%. No VAT. No imminent income taxes being talked about? No billions borrowed from Chinese? What happened? I really can’t say my life is better. Everything costs more. Yet, our government is deeper in debt than ever and for the foreseeable future has no way out. I am praying the dollar doesn’t get unpegged. We are in a really deep hole.

On Gross govt borrowing leaps four-fold to $2bn

Posted 1 February 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

It is about time the good people of Abaco make their voices heard! Not only immigration, but the ineptness of the government to help Abaco rebuild is a shame. Taking weeks for electrical inspectors to arrive, NGO water plants being shutdown making even drinking water start to be scarce. These poor people deserve better. Way better. If they don’t get the economy going soon they may hit the tipping point. And, the government reducing the tax breaks and only extending part of them for another 6 months when travel is difficult,expensive and almost impossible is another crime by the government!

On Residents to protest over issues in Abaco

Posted 29 January 2021, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

Gee-what a shock! The government didn’t have the money they promised! Gee-another shock! They aren’t paying their bills. But, if you don’t pay BPL they shut off your electricity! How can you believe anything this government says??

lovingbahamas says...

Seriously? This would actually be comical if it wasn’t so sad. Did he mention most of Abaco was wiped out? There is probably a 15% drop right there. The police don’t even respond to thievery and looting in Treasure Cay. There wasn’t even a phone number for police for 10 months. So, how could you have reported a crime? This guy is going to need surgery on his arm for reaching around to pat himself so hard on the back. A disgrace to the police force. And no one is going to believe him again. Should probably go into car sales.