Comment history

mandela says...

Action, less talk, acton and results.

mandela says...

Dr. Minnis should be charged with gang affiliations and leader as he stated if his gang where there the conversation would never have happened.


mandela says...

Are we going to hold the perso or persons responsible or are we just jawilg? Talk, talk,corrupt, corrupt and they want pay rise.

On $7m overspend on sports events

Posted 18 April 2024, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

All eyes should be on the two E-average thieving top cops who finally got caught robbing its citizens and what Commissioner Fernander reaction is.

On ‘Crime is down’ but rise in rape

Posted 17 April 2024, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Awesome Sis.

On Restaurant soars thanks to TikTok star

Posted 15 April 2024, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

The courts need to make these theives pay for the stolen item if not recovered, plus their jail time.

On Man denies stealing gold watch

Posted 13 April 2024, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

What an idiot, raping and robbing someone is horrible enough, but to rape and rob someone that you know and knows you is insane. This is where education comes in and comprehension that was taught in schools and later outruled in schools plays a huge part in today's Bahamas. Did he think he can just do this un-disguised and go on his merry way? Students don't have comprehension as part of their english studies, so the idiots later on in life can't comprehend in their empty brains that if I commits these crimes these are my likly out come. jail time or don't do it. Men if you can't find a women, duh! legitimately or even an escort for whatever reason to play with, then get to know Ms palm and her five fingers, it's safer in every way, no disease, no babies and NO RAPE cases.

mandela says...

Finding Sapodilly today is almost like winning the lottery.

On Bahamian traditions soon to end

Posted 10 April 2024, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

yeah, sad, but if he had truly given up he would've tossed the gun the first time after saying he gave up and not continued firing his gun off. After shooting the robber in the leg the first time and him falling over a wall, this lone off-duty justice of the law could have simply waited for backup and flushed the injured robber out. Maybe he didn't have to die and could have been captured and brought before the courts.

mandela says...

What about 2.5. million dollars for a replacement elevator? I guess we should be grateful that the cost wasn't more. These people (governments) believe that they are doing Bahamians a favor while dealing with our affairs and our money, and then, the next few years down the road, they are the ones begging and lying, and if they are voted in, they themselves, then become ungrateful.