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mandela says...

If we want this hospital to be built in a reasonable time without delays and killings then the Chinese workers would be the best option. I have worked on several large construction sites with entire Bahamian labour's and there is nothing but trouble. If for example 1000 to 1500 young labourers are needed and they have to come from the inner-city, they are mostly coming from inner-city young men who most likly than not will come from the assortment of gangs throughout Nassau and when they meet on the construction site, the construction site then becomes a battle ground. Sorry Mr. Sands it sounds good to have mainly Bahamian workers, but not a reality if we ever want to finish the project.

mandela says...

The police has no right to comment on the cause of any deaths until a pathologist has determined the cause of death. Sometimes their mouth piece is too fast and loose.

mandela says...

The last of the Bahamas warriors for a true and national Bahamas, all that's left are traitors to the Bahamas and Louby Gorges.

mandela says...

The cost of one gram of Marijuana on the street is $3 > $5. The cost of detaining and pursuing this farce to trial on tax payers are around $1500. > $2000. When doing the math the Bahamas spends all this money to damage and ruin lives, for a five dollar joint, what a waste.

mandela says...

When the medical Marijuana bill is passed, will they still refer to Marijuana as dangerous drugs?

mandela says...

So who are they representing the Bahamas or the Haiti-Bahamian All Stars Team? Just wondering because both were running under the same flag. Also they didn't even respect the Bahamas and its Bahamian people enough to put the Bahamas name first. What a terrorist act, the person or persons responsible for this are traitors and for them we Bahamians want the death penalty.

mandela says...

This is weird, if you accidentally touch someone you will be charged?

mandela says...

Well, Dr. Minnis atleast they aren't sitting at a table as prime minister and allowing a billion dollar forgery to be perpetrated in plain sight.

On 'Poorest pay the most for electric’

Posted 2 May 2024, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Well if they don't want Wendy's a Bahamian business to operate on their own Bahamian land then they can pack up and go. This isn't Toby Smith and greedy RCL where RCL bullied their way on to Paradise Island.

mandela says...

Mr Davis you are spot on. The public and private sector no matter which one are dominanted by women in top position 8 out of 10, all bosses. The young men today need 10 times more attention. God created heaven and earth, man was there in harmony and then he created women to enjoy men and the paradise he created, but what happened that wasn't good enough for her she wanted more, she could not satisfy, focus needs to be on uplifting our young men, can you imagine the destruction that will happen if we let our young men fall and not be the kings they are, we may think it's bad now, but it can and will get worst as long as we don't focus on the young men.