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mandela says...

Sorry, but people living everyday lives are also struggling pastors, with the shantytowns' existence, illegal migration from Haiti will continue and flourish, because once they end up on any of our shores and in any of the shantytowns, they will find refuge, live undetected for years, and then multiply, and on independence day or any day will not pledge allegiance to the Bahamian flag, no refuge no place to live and hide, simple, and once shantytowns allowed ***where will they stop?*** Bahamians who have never experienced what a shantytown looks like from the inside need only to go online and see documentaries for themselves about shantytowns in Haiti. If allowed now it will never ever stop. Now is a turning point. In the Consitution, it should be written that shantytowns are forbidden throughout the Bahamas. Shantytowns are a cultural form of life that has been in Haiti since the time France had ownership, over two hundred years, the Bahamas on the other hand, maybe 45 yrs.

mandela says...

We desperately need an additional correctional hotel to house these criminals, called the new Foxhill prison, with the capacity to hold another 1000 inmates. No more bail will be needed because now there will be enough space to hold them until trial.

mandela says...

Let the straw workers organize themselves. If the government wants to truly be of some help they need to listen to the majority of vendors and act accordingly.

mandela says...

We need a new jail immediately. The problem as I see it is space, The prison is currently bursting at the seams and the judge, re-offenders and new offenders know this, so instead of having to cram more criminals in the already crammed cells and remand areas they give out bail to a 6-time murder accused. With more jail space, criminals can be housed satisfactorily for the law stated 3 yrs., out of the way while they are waiting for trial. Imagine 200 - 300 new cells each able to host 5 criminals, that is 1000 to 1500 off the streets, away from society on vacation. This will surely make a difference and result in peace on the streets.

mandela says...

WOW, they are hardly teaching religion in schools or a proper sex education curriculum to help stop teenage pregnancy and now they want to further derail them with some worldly unnecessary, and unethical transgenderism education, and then turn around and boast loudly from the highest hill " we are a Christian nation" what an aimless, lost and gullible nation we are. With so many valuable areas of education that need to be taught, focused on, and pushed eg. trade. This is what this woman comes up with. WOW.

mandela says...

Then we should go to a referendum, the land belongs to the people. so if the people say no to shantytowns then so be it.

mandela says...

Hip hip hooray.

mandela says...

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

mandela says...

What a shame, here we have a little community that sucks in millions of dollars for the treasury. with big resorts and close proximity to the US coast, but doesn't even have **ONE** workable fire engine. what a shame. Now watch how after this disaster they scramble to now take note. Late again, furthermore, the island commissioner should be removed.

mandela says...

The Bahamas does not want shantytowns here, this is not Haiti we do not want shantytowns here they are a hazard, a danger to society with their own laws, and unsanitary living conditions. No, no, no, shantytowns have to go. Once they are started they mushroom out of control and in size. Sadly the people migrating out of Haiti are used to living in these conditions and they wouldn't be bothered one bit if the entire Bahamas develops into one big shantytown, and then when we are destroyed they will move on to the next.