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mangogirl01 says...

This is a bunch of bull shit to the highest ever done! All management has been doing over the years is giving themselves huge salaries and bonuses and the loyal, hard working staff only get peanuts. Why would a bank with less than 400 employees hired a hundred consultants (figuratively speaking) who all have retired from their careers from other banks such as Royal, Scotia and Commonwealth? Why have the foreign consultant hired to give an overview of the living large at the One and Only Club on Paradise Island.They have no loyalty to BOB and are only there for the additionally salaries that they are getting! Senior management stinks and needs to be rolled out, all of them! Why does BOB need a MD, COO, four DMD, all who are making over $200,000 plus perks and benefits, who should have run the bank better but no, now that the shit has hit the fan, they are blaming it on the recession and the economy! All of them needs to go as it is obvious that they were not doing their jobs over the years! This is why the Bank cannot make any money, it is way too top heavy with bull shitters and consultants who don't know what the hell they are doing!

On $100 million rescue plan for ailing BOB

Posted 2 November 2014, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Bran was all in his glory, it showed in his face and the prophetess told him he was 'the chosen one', unbelievable, unthinkable! If ya don't laugh you will cry!

On DNA protests the 'death of democracy'

Posted 2 October 2014, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

You both are on point, TalRussell and Honestman! It's a crying shame the way these so call 'mature' people are conducting themselves!

On MP makes accusation in House

Posted 2 October 2014, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Not only that but where the hell the government thinks businesses will find cash to pay the ridicilous fees and fines to be charged!! That kinda money ain out there, not even with the numbers men who will automate much of their business and downsize their staff and still have to pay huge fees just to stay in business.

mangogirl01 says...

I believe the young man told the truth. I have a young male cousin who was in a similar situation, that is, the male pastor wanted to meet with him in his office but we didn't allow it. When the meeting did take place, I was there and afterwards my cousin told me that the pastor told him, in confidence, (the pastor's words) that he need to meet with him again. We never returned to that church!! Some of these pastors are full of shit, on the DL, gay and trying to break in our young men by preying on their vulnerability but we as parents, aunts, uncles, etc., must be vigilant to these things and protect our young men and women from this sort of prey!

mangogirl01 says...

Too, what will these students do after classes cause there certainly ain no recreation facilities/entertainment on the sleeping gaint!

mangogirl01 says...

Like Dr. Minnis stated, where is the master plan Mr. Christie or was this something you dreamt about while doing the shuffle!

mangogirl01 says...

Amen to that!

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Lol, I like TalRussell 'comrade' references - a different take on expressing his/her point.

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Probably during our grand/great grand children life time but not today, the majority of Bahamians are not ready for that. I can support a civil union but gay marriage, that's a no. Too, I think our country is too small for such a radical change and we don't have to follow everything that is happening worldwide, our differences is what makes us unique.

On LGBT attack 'is hate speech'

Posted 2 September 2014, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal