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mangogirl01 says...

The PM really took that hard, it showed in his face and presentation. I think that is why he kept his head down and barely looked up, he was still crying. RIP to all the victims and rise in glory! My sincere condolences to all of the families, friends and co-workers affected by this tragic accident!

On PM shocked by death of 'great Bahamian' Munroe

Posted 11 November 2014, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Lmao! She needs to do away with the bad weave, stop bleaching and shut her mouth! Say she coming here if we don't reverse and she can pass a law against our Bahamas, what a bunch of bull shit, that is so laughable till it ain funny! Woman, go sit small, shut the hell up and let us know what your real Haitian name is cause it certainly ain no Daphne Campbell. Haitians say they are proud of who they are their heritage but quick to change their Haitian name to distance themselves from the reality of who they really are!!

mangogirl01 says...

Wow! Did you even know Pastor Munroe? What a bunch of bullshit! Pastor Munroe was a humble man, he did not wear $3,000 suits or had a limo! He did not live a lavish lifestyle. Pastor Munroe was a humble, down-to-earth man who treated everyone the same, he did not care if you was a president, governor, politician, banker or whatever position on this earth you held! He was a religious world traveller, communicator, teacher, leader which was his calling to spread God's word, so yes, a private jet was needed - it just made sense! So before you go and bash a man of God without even knowing him, please sit small and keep quiet!

mangogirl01 says...

The granting of big, bad loans started in 2002 after McWeeney became MD, nothing to do with the Ingraham administration!

mangogirl01 says...

I really don't understand how Mr. McWeeney could have stood there and speak the shit he did without biting his damn tongue! It starts from the top and he's the top!

mangogirl01 says...

The NG needs to cancel LG radio show ASAP! Now he has the audacity to say he's thinking about running in the 2017 elections! His paper citizenship really swell up his head talking a bunch of shit!!

mangogirl01 says...

You are right, if he wants the illegal children to stay and just send their illegal parents back is he willing to house them and feed them?? I think not!

mangogirl01 says...

I won't talk, she needs to shut the hell up! Trying to tell Mr. Mitchell what to do! Miss, go and tell your PM Martelly what to do!

mangogirl01 says...

Please don't ease up Mr. Mitchell and kudos to our hard working immigration officers who carried out their duties in an efficient and respectful manner especially in dealing with the children. Those illegal parents who ran off and left their children should be the first ones deported! Trying to put the blame of abandoning their children on our people, hell to the no!

On Call for calm after immigration raid

Posted 3 November 2014, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

The PM needs to stop talking and put his foot down hard and fire BOB's Board of Directors and executive management! Only then we may see some light at the end of the tunnel but I believe it's already too late to save the Bank!

On $100 million rescue plan for ailing BOB

Posted 3 November 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal