Comment history

mangogirl01 says...

This does not bode well at all - Deloitte & Touche were the Bank's former auditors, for years, before Ernst & Young and are too familiar with executive management. Nothing will come of this!

mangogirl01 says...

You have got to be kidding me! These workers are still not contributing to their pension and insurance plans and are making some of the best salaries in The Bahamas! Unbelievable! How could Minister Gibson allowed that again and still signed the agreement! This is disgusting! I mean the workers would not even feel the small percentage that would come out of their salaries to contribute to their pension and insurance plans! Too, workers also would have the option to pay more towards their pension than the percentage agreed to by the company, if they want to thus building up even more pension monies. This is how it works in the private sector! The company is broke and yet BEC employees don't give a rat's ass, $1200 - $3200 lump sum on top of a Christmas bonus - sickening! The union president lied, I heard him say on the news that the employees were contributing to their pension and insurance plans but he didn't say it only applies to new employees! Sickening!

On Miller a no-show as BEC deal is signed

Posted 11 December 2014, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

The re-appointment of directors and management again ***is a big slap in the face to the 35% investors*** who definitely needs to appoint a voice to speak for them! Nothing will change if the old faces are not rolled out! ***What executive management and the board of directors have been doing over the years is collecting huge salaries and benefits while at the same time giving peanuts to the hard working, loyal staff.*** They don't appear to have any shame whatsoever for their poor management skills and are going about their business (like proud peacocks) as if nothing has changed! Please Mr. Prime Minster, ***step in again and get rid of the current executive management and board of directors*** as only then, just may be, the bank will be able to rebound back, profitable. ***I have shares so I will definitely be there!***

On Shareholder outrage over ‘no change’ BOB

Posted 9 December 2014, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Voltaire, that is a very interesting report but it is 10-years old and the Bahamas is now overrun with illegal immigrants. The policy has changed wherein Immigration officers no longer conduct night raids and the Bahamas just cannot continue in this vein of absorbing illegal immigrants. Too, Haitians cannot claim refugee status as our laws do not allow for that! I am so sick and tired of all illegall immigrants in our country sucking our social, education and health services dry and they don't really care that they are doing it. In fact, they feel the Bahamas owe them something because they were born here, illegally. I applaud Minister Mitchell in having the intestinal fortitude to address and act on this very vexing and explosive immigration problem in our beloved country. The Bahamas is just too small to continue to absord these illegal immigrants who do not contribute to the country's economy and continues to be a drain on its social, education and health resources. The majority of illegal immigrants are Haitians so yes, the focus is more on them but they need to take their fight back home to their country and their government; they have no problem saying how proud they are of Haiti but yet they do not want to go back! More and more countries in the World are addressing illegal immigration and it seems Haitians just want to enter other countries illegally with no respect for the countries' laws and then cry discrimination when deportation is enforced; they are in the millions illegally in the Dominician Republic, in the thousands in Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and the United States. It is obivious that they have no respect for our laws and these countries laws as long as they can enter illegally and don't get caught. Enough is enough - our country cannot take it any more. Again, kudos to Minister Mitchell and our Immigration Department, keep up the good work!

On Probe of 'abuse' by Immigration

Posted 8 December 2014, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Check the web site,…
Mr. D.S. Davis related to Brave Davis and E. Gibson Jr. is related to Shane Gibson.

mangogirl01 says...

This man is just plain crazy! He was born in Haiti and even him don't want to go back!

On Immigration policy to be challenged in court

Posted 3 December 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Yes birdiestrachan, the big, bad loans started pilling up in 2002 after PMcWeeney became MD, all to friends, families and lovers! Does that answer your question!

mangogirl01 says...

Haitians are the bulk of the illegall immigrants in our country, saturating our schools, social and health services. Tell that to the teachers who are overwhelmed with crowded classes in our schools and the overcrowding could well be the source of the 'D' average in our schools. Try and teach a classroom with 35-40 students or more and see how that go! Tell that to the nurses in PMH overcrowded maternity ward who have to deal with the biggety, pregnant Haitian women having 2 and 3 babies yearly. Tell that to Bahamians who have lost their jobs and homes and have to depend on social services but the Haitians are crowding there too! Tell that to the Bahamians in the government clinics who can't get service because the illegal Haitans are crowding them on a daily basis, getting free health care! Do you see any other nationalties sucking the life out of our country in those areas. You'll stay right there feeling sorry for the illegal Haitians, as one said 'there are more of us than there are of you' and he is correct. Haiti's population is over 9 million and counting compared to our lil country's population of less than half million. Anyone who sympathizes with the illegal Haitians should do so in the vein of encouraging them to go back home and demand action from their government. What happened to the billions of dollars donated from countries worldwide to Haiti's government after the earthquake? That is what Haitians should be demanding answers for! Not entering another country illegally and don't expect no backlash from us; we have had enough of them feeling that they are entitled to stay here because they have been here for years and having illegal children to boot. I hope that Minister Mitchell continues to be consistent with enforcing our new immigration laws and that Haitians back home with the idea of coming here illegally will think twice! Enough is enough!

mangogirl01 says...

Yes, Comrade DPM looks out of focus, don't blame the camera, lol!

On Faithful gather at Ministries prayer meeting

Posted 11 November 2014, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Brave singing, well blow me down, lol!

On Faithful gather at Ministries prayer meeting

Posted 11 November 2014, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal