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mangogirl01 says...

Why the name calling? Mr. Bowe is/was a hard working government employee and I understand that he came out of retirement to do this. Yes, the job could and should have been given to someone else but he may be training that person(s) to do just that. Keep up the good work Mr. Bowe.

mangogirl01 says...

If this was done to give the employees a salary increase, I have no problem with it!

mangogirl01 says...

I was shocked to hear Ms. Strachan say last night on the news that the first thing she will do as the new FS is get a calendar, set goals and move from one goal post to the other! Really! She didn't make no sense and was fumbling with her words. It's obvious she will be in over her head - she's a lawyer, not an accountant or economics analyst! The financial sector is up shit creek and the PM just made it worse with this appointment!

mangogirl01 says...

Bodie head ain good, say Brave is our savior, will monkey uncle! Not a day like it! The man can hardly talk, say he's unaware of road works needed, cleaning and trimming of the sidewalks and public parks are not important and made his fortune off criminals! You gotta be crazy!

On Why an alchemist is needed in the Bahamas

Posted 22 December 2014, 10:10 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

The Managing Director gave a 'sugar-honey-ice-tea' coated speech on what happened with the Bank! If you don't laugh you'll cry!

mangogirl01 says...

No government rep. was there in person, a signed proxy representing the Government was used. Yes, only the minority shareholders raised concern and it got contentious when Mr. Darron Cash when to the mic with his list of questions, he was consistent in getting answers to his questions but it didn't make a difference as the Chairman told him he was not answering them! As it is a public trading company, you do not need to have shares to attend the AGM.

mangogirl01 says...

We need to stop paying attention to this crazy woman, the attention from us is what she is feeding on!

On another note, I want to extend holiday greetings and all the best in 2015 to the regular posters on the Tribune242: TalRussell (you keep me laughing whenever I read your posts), Well_mudda_take_sic, ThisIsOurs, BirdieStrachan, Cobalt, SP, The Oracle, duppyVat, John, Grassroot and concernedcitizen. To All, have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and remember to worship at the Church of your choice!

mangogirl01 says...

BirdieStrachan say 'Ryan was a gift to the Government for a while'! Well blow me down! Some people really love the kool-aid! He was a gift to no one but himself alone most definitely not our beloved Bahamas! He just showed he's another 'all for me baby' gangster!

mangogirl01 says...

But didn't Mr. Pinder say when he came back home to enter politics that he wanted to serve his country, now its all about what's best for me, me and mines! It just goes to show he wasn't sincere about serving his country or is the Bahamas his country as he is more American than Bahamian! Too, the financial industry is no better off than how he met it because I would like to know what new (and profitable) financial services has he bought to our beloved Bahamas? Can someone answer that please!

mangogirl01 says...

When there yesterday; beautiful and modern - I'm glad that they are back in the Mall!