Comment history

mangogirl01 says...

Lol! TalRussell you crack me up all the time! All Mr. Major sees is $$$!

On ‘Carnival is no risk to society’

Posted 6 February 2015, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

You are so right BirdieStrachan. I am fully 100% behind Minister Mitchell on implementing our immigration policy in all areas where needed, it is long overdue! All of these Tom, Dick and Harrys' who opposed the Minister on this need to let all the illegal immigrants (the majority who are Haitians and who are abusing our education, heath and social services more than any other nationality) come and live with them! Again, keep up the good work Minister Mitchell and our Immigration Department!

On Immigration crackdown

Posted 6 February 2015, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

No, I was told the ones who were fired are not the culprits; they are the ones who refuse to say 'yes' to the mucka muckas who put the bank in the predicament it is now in! So Mr. Cash is correct, they were fired without cause!

On ‘Six fired at Bank of the Bahamas’

Posted 3 February 2015, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Wow! Its good to keep records. The senior PLP cabinet minister is Brave Davis who got that $8 million! Did you really meant to type 'Lady Poodling'?

On PM defends bank chief

Posted 23 January 2015, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

BirdieStrachan, you won't get your money back unless you put it in black and white (if you haven't already) and be consistent, nag them until they do give it back. That's one of the problems with these banks, charging customers not only late fees but principal and interest penalties on top of it even if you have been a good paying customer for years!

On Wells ‘still has to give an explanation’

Posted 16 January 2015, 5:13 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Not only the Board, the Chairman and Executive Management - they are just as much to blame!

On McWeeney tightlipped after PM reports move

Posted 7 January 2015, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Yes, you are right, we need to start at the top where all the **white collar crime** happens but completely ignored by all and sundry. Too, we need to start focusing more on our young men, current and future as once they graduate from primary (grades 1-6) into junior high and above, that is when their characters and views change. If we can get to them during those crucial years in a positive and inspiring manner, only then may we start to see a change! Same applies to the young women too as some of them today are just as bad or worse than the young men!

On another note, I'm happy to see The Tribune do away with the big 'T" as in this age of technology, it was just too much paper (and ink) being wasted!

On 04222016 Weekend Edition

Posted 7 January 2015, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

It is so scarey its frightening!

On Calling to account

Posted 6 January 2015, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

Yes, like Christmas past, lol!

mangogirl01 says...

Lmao! Well mudda take sic, FW said his company is a victim! I'm sure he bite his tongue saying that!