Comment history

marrcus says...

As long as the DNA continues to siphon off votes, PLP will forever reign. Get used to it.

On Minnis pledges govt of fiscal responsibility

Posted 14 January 2016, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

I was in Exuma after christmas. While visiting with friends, a frantic phone call came in from a visitor whose 10 month old baby fell off a chair and hit her head. The parents were desparate and had to cancel all there holiday plans and hire a private plane to fly to Nassau. The baby is fine now, but I can tell you they will not come back to Exuma again, and anyone with health issues or very young children should not come either. You better have good credit cards or a pocket full of cash for medical emergencies, cause Exuma can't help you (they could wrap you in bandages, but thats about it.) And if you find yourself in need, best to go to the local Veterinarian, assuming they are on the island. It used to be "Better in the Bahamas", but there are many better places all over the Caribbean.

marrcus says...

I visit cable beach often, and see jet skis screaming by the shoreline not more than 30 ft from shore. Some properties even have roped off swim areas that they also do not respect. Nassau aspires to be a banana republic. Cuba coming soon. PLP forever.