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milesair says...

Sounds just like Trump but YOU are in love with him! So what's the difference? I know, Trump has a much bigger mouth!!

milesair says...

The above comments are the perfect example of Trump delusional syndrome! No facts about why Trump should not be in jail, or the laws that he has broken. Just B.S. and tripe right out of the GOP playbook. How much of a bribe do they pay you all for this standard right-wing fascist garbage? Will your support of Trump pay your bills, put food on your table or a roof over your head? Nope, you will get nothing and the Bahamas will be the loser if Trump ever returns. But than I refuse to argue with the ignorant and stupid who are NOT Americans and can not even vote. No matter their opinion, it doesn't mean anything! You are supporting a loser who wants to end democracy in the U.S. and install a fascist right-wing authoritarian dictatorship. Maybe you want this for the Bahamas as well? You can have it but it will NEVER happen in the U.S.!

milesair says...

Oh, you mean Trump delusional syndrome, lol!

milesair says...

All of you Trump supporters; please explain what your 'love of Trump' is going to do for you? Is it going to pay your bills, put food on your table or do anything meaningful for you or the Bahamas in general? You will get nothing as who is in charge of the U.S. government has nothing to do with Bahamians in general and Trump supporters in particular. it doesn't really matter what Bahamian Trump supporters think! I get my definition of fascism from the history of Hitler. You should read up on it sometime so you can see the similarities between Hitler and Trump. Discriminate against certain minority groups, stifle freedom of speech and of the press and claim that facts are fake news among other things. Oh, and use religion as a weapon to beat people up with! ScullyUFO said it best; the best fascism happens when you don't even know it! I do NOT watch or listen to the corporate media propaganda machine and about as close that I get to it is the BBC! Enough already!!

milesair says...

Anyone who praises Trump has to be a fascist, authoritarian, anti-democratic, Nazi-like with $hit for brains!! Trump is everything America is NOT. Biden has his faults but he is getting things done especially with regard to covid, something Trump would have NEVER accomplished!

milesair says...

What is amazing is the fact that although there are only a few Bahamians who apparently 'love' Trump on this site (none of the major publications in the Bahamas have anything good to say about Trump (The Tribune, Nassau Guardian, Bahamas Uncensored, Bahama Journal) I would like to know, what do these people get for their support of Trump? He once owned what is now Atlantis, but as usual failed to make a go of it and sold it at a loss. He has filed bankruptcy numerous times and this is supposed to be a "good" businessman? Trump is too cheap to be bribing you people, so what are you getting for your support? Wind pudding and air sauce? I am an American who once lived on Grand Bahama in the 1950's and 60's. While I have an opinion about Bahamian politics, I don't express that opinion since I am not a Bahamian. Trump is the most racist, divisive and authoritarian President that the U.S. has ever had in my lifetime. He stands for everything that the U.S. is not supposed to be about and is a danger to the very existence of the U.S. as a democracy! Thank God 82 million people also thought this way but that still leaves 72 million who voted for him which is very scary in and of itself! Contrary to some people, the election was NOT fixed and even judges who were appointed by Trump failed to find any fraud in the election. Trump predicted that should he not win, than the election is fixed which is perhaps the most arrogant statement that he ever made and he has made many such statements. All that I can say is for all of you Trump lovers, lets see if your 'love' of Trump pays your bills or gives you anything in return. Nada, nothing, zilch is the answer but if Trump ever makes a comeback, I wouldn't want to be living in the Bahamas with a giant fascist state right next door. That would be as scary as hell among other things!

milesair says...

New Yorkers have been moving to Florida for the last 70 years even when Florida was being led by Democrats! They are moving to Florida because of the weather, not the politics!

milesair says...

More fake news from the idiot who gets his news from Faux or some other right-wing fake news outlet! Provide proof that the election was 'rigged!' Every court in the U.S. denied that there was any fraud in the U.S. election. You are just another conspiracy theorist spreading fake news because it suits your right-wing fascist ideas. People will be going to jail in the U.S. for spreading this treasonous nonsense. Too bad you can't be one of them. Prove there was fraud or STFU!!

milesair says...

Obie is the very definition of a corrupt politician!

On Obie back to fight election

Posted 13 May 2021, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

America had an honest election in 2020. If you can prove otherwise, kindly provide the proof. Every court in the U.S. threw out the fraud allegations made by Trump and his minions. Yeah, less taxes for Trump, his rich friends and corporate buddies. Trump is a loser, a lousy businessman (three bankruptcies) and very much a racist pig who stands for everything that America is not about. If he wins again than fascism is tight around the corner! This response is for @donald