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milesair says...

You got that right! The GOP can only win with morons (like Godspeed) as their base. They have reduced appropriating money for education nationwide and are working as hard as possible to make it more difficult to vote because that is the only way that they can win. There is a legal process to inter the U.S. and most immigrants are following it. You can't just come to the U.S. and get "free stuff"! Nor can you vote without being a U.S. citizen! As for the employment situation, actual employment is on the increase and there are many locations within the U.S. where employers can NOT find employee's. Generally, immigrants do jobs that U.S. citizens do not want to do but this offers immigrants an opportunity to make a living. Immigrants are coming to the U.S. to make a better life and they pay taxes as well. This "Godspeed" person should read his Bible especially the charity part. If you have helped the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me! Enough said!

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 30 April 2021, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

This has everything to do with race! You spew nothing but propaganda straight out of the GOP play book and Faux News. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants as everyone except the American Indians and their tribes, came from somewhere else. The immigrants that are coming today are primarily non-white people who don't fit the image of the U.S. that the GOP and right-wingers want to come to the U.S. These new immigrants, when they become citizens, don't usually vote for the GOP which is another reason that the GOP doesn't (like you) want them. The U.S. used to be "light of the world" to immigrants but the GOP doesn't want just anyone to come to the U.S. unless they are lily- white Christianists. If you really are Black, you need to educate yourself. You can't argue with an idiot so I won't bother to waste my time any further! Wake-up and smell the coffee! Your online name takes the name of the Lord in vain as well!!

On STATESIDE: Times they are a changing

Posted 29 April 2021, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Can we rejoice in knowing that Disney cruise ships will NOT dump their garbage and other waste material into the pristine waters of the Bahamas? Don't hold your breath!!

milesair says...

The U.S. is a nation of immigrants! everyone came from someplace else except of course. the American Indians of various tribes. The racist GOP wants to change this because most immigrants are not white Christianists! You can NOT vote in the U.S. unless you are a U.S. citizen, or born of U.S. parentage or have become a naturalized U.S. citizen. U.S. residents can NOT vote! We get the fact that you don't like Democrats but get your facts straight before you go spewing fake news. And thank God the U.S. does not have a fascist, wanna-be dictator in the form of the whinny bitch Trump!!

milesair says...

Get a grip! Too much Faux news in your diet! Typical Trumpster as facts don't mean $hit!

milesair says...

Remember Trump walking up the aircraft stairs with toilet paper attached to his shoe? That was real classy! Or the time Trump stumbled on a ramp that he was walking on? Some people remember only what they want to! Trump=the fascist dictator wanna-be and thank God enough Americans saw him for what he is. Only the religious perverts couldn't see this.

On Markle for president?

Posted 25 March 2021, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

It's called supply and demand Capitalism. even you should know that! As demand goes back up and things return to normal (people take vacations and more passengers are flying so the price of gas rises! This would have happened even if Trump had won which I am sure glad that he didn't! No conspiracy stuff here, just supply and demand!

milesair says...

It's amazing the if U find an article that suits your opinion, you promote it. Otherwise, the mass media is all "fake news" as in bad, bad, bad! Hypocrite much?