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momoyama says...

How you can even fix your mouth to compare the party of Pindling, Hanna and Adderley to these mud rats is beyond me. The media's total bias in favour of a disastrous FNM is the only explanation. In the real world of facts, figures and scientific analysis, there is no comparison. The Bahamas made a HUGE mistake in 2017 and it will be reversed in 2022. The FNM as a party will be retired permanently.

On Pandering to new wave of xenophobia

Posted 16 November 2019, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

well said

momoyama says...

Very balanced and intelligent comment. Especially your pointing out how differently our "intelligentsia" treats Fred Smith's disgusting, contemptuous and yes, RACIST comments (caught on tape labeling "black Bahamians" as xenophobes). He is treated like some kind of patron saint of free speech. But when poor, marginal and, yes, perhaps misguided people cry out it is condemned by our intelligentsia. Shame on them.

momoyama says...

In fact, in the Bahamian context, the most they do is drive up property prices and (re your reference to Haitians) create the demand for impoverished labour from the south. Once glance at the demographics of Abaco (with its unrivalled 'second home' market) illustrates my point.

On ‘It’s time to quit, Lanisha’

Posted 8 November 2019, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Your analysis of our economy and what benefits it is interesting, but erroneous. Wealthy people contribute diddly squat to any economy, typically saving money and removing it from where it would be taxed. Almost all the spending that boosts an economy comes from the poor and middle class, which are consumer base. Unless, of course, you believe the debunked Reaganite twaddle about the rich being "wealth creators".

On ‘It’s time to quit, Lanisha’

Posted 8 November 2019, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Oh no!! Whatever are we to do???? We lost John Travolta!!!!!!!!!!

What next?? We may even lose more rich foreigners who pay no tax, drive up property prices and contribute absolutely NIL to our economy or society!

Shame on you, Picewell.


On ‘It’s time to quit, Lanisha’

Posted 8 November 2019, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

They are just plain dumb. Of that you can be sure. Halfwits led by an oaf.

momoyama says...

Thanks for your very informative reply, complete with actual examples, critical analysis and specific responses. A huge contrast with my own descent into meaningless cliches from television. Lol

momoyama says...

Yes I did. I also heard a lot of loose adjectives thrown around (like incompetent, crooked etc.). What I saw little of was actual evidence. With this crew the evidence is everywhere and the media and commentators like yourself have become one-sided apologists. And FNM cabinet (in which my father served) was proved in a court of law to have corruptly swung a contract. By contrast the FNM's attempts to prove corruption by the PLP have all been unsuccessful to date. Still, that does not stop people like you from buying the media's warped mythology.

momoyama says...

Are you sure about that? Have u anything to back it up? Did uou know that school computerisation increased more from 2012 to 2017 than at any other time in Bahamian history? There is simply no comparison: in education and almost everything else Christie's government were better - though far more attacked and scrutinised by the media.