Comment history

momoyama says...

Incredible how pro-FNM biased you Tribune readers are brainwashed to be..

momoyama says...

We don't need charity. All we need is for this useless government to collect uncollected property taxes from rich foreigners (which amounts in the hundreds of millions, while government goes after the small man for its 12 percent VAT on all he buys) and to have a corporate and personal income tax on those (like me) who are high earners.

As for the illegals, invite the UN and others to come and take them since they love them so much.

momoyama says...

Yes, apparently. But then you wandered into all kinds of points that my comment had no relation to, even creating assumed positions on my part. I never remember justifying every problem with the Bahamas, but I would surely find it an easier task than justifying every problem with the USA. That is why (as a citizen of both) I live here and not there. You are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts (such as 911 being an international or standard emergency number).

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Wow. Real relevant commentary to the very precise point I made, pointing out your ignorance.

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Wow, you really are an ignorant person. Where in the above did I say anything about hating the USA??? Where did I advocate cutting off ties? Britain has good ties with the USA, correct? So does Germany, Japan, Trinidad and Jamaica. But have they abolished their emergency numbers and replaced it with the US alternative to show their love? No. Because they are presumably composed of mature adults who know how to distinguish friendship from mindless imitation.

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

FYI, I attach a list of emergency numbers worldwide. Like most other countries, the Bahamas has its own. Apparently, though, some of us would prefer just hang up the flag and become the 51st state. What utter ignorance.…

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

Newsflash. 911 is hot universal. It is american. In Britain it is 999. As a people we really need to stop being so damned Americanized and realise that the outside world is NOT the USA.

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

You obviously did not read the rest of the editorial, choosing instead to focus on the narrow defence of where Lloyd is physically. The point is that he and this government are empty con artists, whose promises to correct things that they criticized so heavily were nothing but hot air. The evidence is stark in every area of governance, including public education. But to FNM apologists like yourself, no evidence is good enough apparently.

On EDITORIAL: Why so quiet, Mr Lloyd?

Posted 2 November 2019, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

You are very right in your analysis of minimum wages and their effects. Now go and try to convince this government of dunces.

On Minimum wage is a no-brainer

Posted 31 October 2019, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

momoyama says...

That is not "evolving". That is having an idiotic government that does not understand that consumption taxes are the worst and least beneficial tax to any economy, especially one driven by consumption. This is man made idiocy on the part of Minnis and these clowns.