Comment history

moncurcool says...

Again, all taxes that you mentioned.

And even when you increase taxes as you say on foreigners, they look to go where they can get the best cost. So now we start to tax ourselves out of the market for their services.

moncurcool says...

> THE Davis administration will present
> its budget for the next fiscal year
> this week, and Economic Affairs
> Minister Michael Halkitis says the
> administration is maintaining its
> commitment to not raising taxes.

> Mr Halkitis, during an Office of the
> Prime Minister press briefing last
> week, said the government will not cut
> expenses, but will find new sources of
> revenue and improve revenue
> administration to get optimal results.

Someone please explain this voodoo maths to me please. You not cutting expenses, not raising taxes, but finding new sources or income? What sources of income has our governments ever had other than to raise taxes on the people?

moncurcool says...

> Dr Minnis could win a general
> election. He is tough. He is not
> afraid of the PLP. He confronts them
> in Parliament all the time by himself
> as the MP for Killarney.

If that is not the biggest joke. Please note that in 2012 people voted against Christie, and not for Minnis.

> Dr Minnis deserves another term to
> finish his agenda. We need a leader
> the people will listen to.

And that is the problem. It should not be about Minnis agenda, but about what is best for the country after dialogue with the people.

And I stopped listening to Minnis when he stopped having press conference and wanted to only do national addresses so he would not have to answer questions from the press.

Minnis needs to stay out of leadership. Hope Pintard beats the pants off of him and send him into retirement.

On The FNM needs Doc as leader

Posted 23 May 2024, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> In my opinion Mr Pintard has been a
> lot of “not that much” as leader of
> the FNM. He’s boring. He does not
> excite voters. Many Bahamians don’t
> even know who he is.

And Minnis excites people? This comment has to be a joke. Then again, a blind supporter would say anything without thinking.

> Mr Pintard’s camp think that the
> people, the voters, hate Dr Hubert
> Minnis. Therefore, he should remain
> leader, as Dr Minnis can’t win an
> election. That is a myth.

Mr. Pintard doesn't think the voters hare Minnis, the voters themselves have expressed. If Minnis comes back, FNMs will stay home again.

> Dr Minnis had the hardest five-year
> term as Bahamian prime minister in our
> country’s history. He had the worst
> hurricane ever followed six months
> later by the pandemic, which lasted
> for the rest of his term.

This myth needs to stop. Hubert Ingahm came to power in 1992 with a country for sale and a broken economy. less than a year later he had to deal with Hurricane Andrew. ANd look what he produced in 5 years. Minnis just was a plain dictator with and was about himself. If he had listened to the advice of his won people, he would have fair way better in his 5 years.

On The FNM needs Doc as leader

Posted 23 May 2024, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

I do not comment to foolishness, but this is the most unintelligent, ignorant, lack of common sense and blind political statement ever made.

On Minnis snubbed by his former Cabinet

Posted 23 May 2024, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

I really respect the comments of Brensil Role. Minnis is trying to force himself back. He has learned nothing.

On Minnis snubbed by his former Cabinet

Posted 23 May 2024, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So the department of labour is not doing the ministry of social services job?

Any wonder why we can't advance in this country?

moncurcool says...

> It is unclear whether the man was
> being monitored by Migrafill Security
> Group, which took over electronic
> monitoring.

This cannot be correct right? So who else he supposed to be monitored by? Is there another group monitoring different people?

This cannot be for real in this country.

moncurcool says...

> National Security Minister Wayne
> Monroe said Chinese-centred criticism
> amounted to xenophobia.
> “The United States Treasury owes the Chinese $797.7 billion,” he said. “The
> UK foreign debt is owned 15 per cent
> by China. And, in fact, the chancellor
> of the Exchequer in the UK, as long
> ago as 2014, was issuing actual debt
> in Chinese currency. So this device of
> trying to dangle xenophobia, which is
> really a populist stance, isn’t really
> becoming.”

So the minister of national security response is that everyone else borrowing form the Chinese, so we do it do? How dumb of a response is that. If everyone else blows up their country then we do it to?

> “I know that they are confused,” he
> said, “and they are baffled because
> the things that we’re able to do and
> get done, and they still can’t
> understand how we’re doing it, but
> don’t let their confusion blind them
> to the goal of what we’re trying to
> achieve and that is to bring relief to
> our people.”

The PM is really a bafoon. Bahamian people are baffled how you all are not able to get medical treatment right with PMH, but want to build a $290 million dollar hospital through a loan, and we know first we will be saddled with increased debt for a hospital you'll will not be able to get medical right for either.

If you cant get PMH right, why should we believe building a new hospital will get medical right?

You right. The Bahamian people are baffled by the incompetence of government and your unwillingness to answer questions in the House of Assembly.

moncurcool says...

What does who Symonette supports has to do with these bills?

Do you have any proof of what you are saying? Otherwise, that could be taken as liable.

I think we need to be more responsible on our comments of others, especially when we offer no proof to support the claims.