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moncurcool says...

This editorial is spot on. Davis is just hypocritical in his remarks. But worst off, he does not have a clue to handle what is happening.

We need leaders in this country and not tired people like Davis who needs to go retire.

moncurcool says...

Hit the nail on the head.

No concern for your citizens.

moncurcool says...

Sorry, but birdie's response is not cult like. It is plain ignorance, lack of critical thinking skills, and stupidity .

moncurcool says...

So true. Could not have said it better.

moncurcool says...

So did the PM not see this as an issue when he sought to coordinate plastering New Providence with billboards on the murder count in 2012? Was it okay for him to do it then, but not ok for the media to do it now?

The PM is only being hypocritical as the chickens have come home to roast. What you sow you will reap.

moncurcool says...

> Yesterday, Mr Davis said: “That’s the
> past. I am looking forward.”
> “What I am saying now is, I now have
> evidence that this is impacting how
> it’s accepted in the international
> community. I didn’t have evidence then
> on how it was accepted, and now that I
> know how it is accepted, I will say to
> the press, just be responsible in how
> you report to ensure that you don’t
> harm your country.”

Typical hypocrisy as to why nothing will change in this country.

moncurcool says...

What is the bull?

You admit the issue of Finland. So the issue is not gun availability.

The issue is education. And you really believe the average Bahamian is educated better that the average American?

Come on. The average American is clueless in many aspects of world knowledge, I grant that.

But have you seen what we graduate (no, what we just pass out) in our schools? Have you taken the time to read what many of these students write on exams? How is in in a country we celebrate D as a passing mark, when even the average American sees a D as a failure.

One of the issues if we ever will fix this problem, is we have to tackle the education system of our country. Otherwise, we will continue this spiral.

moncurcool says...

I have not missed the point.

Check out our news reports. Even when there is no murder, crime report from the police is always in there. It is like we get a high from talking about crime.

So if we always talks about crime, then what do we expect the international media to think we are? Not crime infested.

Further, this is New Providence this murder is happening and not all The Bahamas. So, we need to stop trying to color the country like New Providence. New Providence has an issue.

moncurcool says...

Yes, per capita rate it is high.

But the fact still remains the same, if you always putting crime as your top story, even when there is no murder, this is bound to happen.

Yet, the PM is hypocritical, as they want the media to stop putting it out there now, but in 2012, he was leading the political campaign to post the signs all over New Providence.

We must realize, when we put things out there, it cannot be taken back.

moncurcool says...

Well Done!!!!!

On Devynne Charlton powers to world indoor record

Posted 12 February 2024, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal