Comment history

moncurcool says...

Well Done!!!!!

On Devynne Charlton powers to world indoor record

Posted 12 February 2024, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Has an investigation been completed to arraign anyone? Or do we arraign people just on the accusations made by someone else?

moncurcool says...

I think Finland may dispute your argument on availability of guns leading one to use it. It is a country where guns are available to all and they do not have an issue with incidents with guns.

And no alliance would stop the NRA from pushing guns.

A lot of this had to do with education. Look at the people in our country and realize who are the criminals.

We need systemic change in our country to deal with this crime issue, and it begins with putting a proper education system in place. All these Bail Acts changes are only cosmetic and will never solve the problem.

moncurcool says...

The problem is that as the government can do all the marketing campaigns they want. The effectiveness is dead on arrival.

They need to realize that the negative international media is due to our local media always wanting to sensationalize a murder or crime and splash it on the front age or top news story on TV. As long as our media does not have the sense to not push crime as their top stories, no marketing will stop people believing The Bahamas is not safe.

Think about it. We have a particular news station that always has the crime report from the police as a key feature. Tell me. Which countries do you see having their nightly news talk about the crime report from the police?

moncurcool says...

You know this government is the great spin doctors on everything

moncurcool says...

The Central Bank in this country is an absolute joke.

From the time we went through the financial crisis and the Central Ban governor talked about how reducing the interest rates to being mortgage relief to customers would be of no help, that is when I tuned out the Central Bank. And since, they have been of no benefit to this country since, IMO.

On Bahamians are third class citizens

Posted 7 February 2024, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> He asserted that the interest “signals
> the market has been waiting” for a
> community targeted at middle and upper
> middle income price points, with lot
> prices start- ing at $205,000 and
> going up to $400,000, and home
> packages costing between $895,000 and
> $1.2m.

What middle incomes families paying nearly $! million for a house?

moncurcool says...

The government has already made a decision that they will not revert to capital punishment.

The question we must ask is what are we doing as community residents to help make our communities safer and break the cycle.

Unfortunately, capital punishment will not deter the hearts of people who are set to do evil. And eye for an eye will not solve our problem. This issue is only occurring in New Providence. So maybe we need to look at the rest of The Bahamas and see what is causing the issue not to happen there, and then make the necessary changes to New Providence.

moncurcool says...

Of course the minister thinks the Bahamian people are fools.

This is the same guy on the political stage in 2017 who took his finger and told the Bahamian people to kiss his a**.

And then 4 years later these same people he told to kiss his a** elected him.

So of course he believes Bahamians are fools and will not critically think about what he say.

moncurcool says...

If The Bahamas gets added to the Global Entry list, that would be super.