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moncurcool says...

Rather than make the 10% pay their share, instead, the plan of the self proclaimed New Day government is to tax the middle class into oblivion .

moncurcool says...

> FREE National Movement leader Michael
> Pintard said he and Police
> Commissioner Clayton Fernander have
> “cleared the air” on various concerns,
> including how police investigated last
> year’s attack on Richard Johnson, the
> party’s chairman.

Did the Tribune know about a new chairman of the FNM?

moncurcool says...

So your solution is to declare a state of emergency, to be overseen by the very people that you say the people do not trust? Really?

And the place that is in shambles with crime is New Providence, not the country.

On Declare state of emergency, Mr Davis

Posted 1 February 2024, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

The other issue is that we have a media in this country that sadly every time a murder happens is always blasting it across the front page of the paper or as the lead story on the news. Is it any wonder that the international countries then believe that we riddled with crime?

moncurcool says...

These union leaders are just parasites, who are a clear and present danger to this country.

On Hotel Union on work to rule at Atlantis

Posted 1 February 2024, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> “So if it’s not Kenya, there’ll be
> some other major country that will
> come in to assist. caricom alone
> cannot do it. If Kenya is not able to
> because of their legal strictures
> there are some other country will more
> likely step in.”

Why does the PM keep throwing crap against the wall and hopes that it sticks. If there was another country they would have already been there from the beginning.

And if Caricom can not handle the problem, please tell me why then The Bahamas is sending people somewhere for something they cannot do>

On PM: Another nation will step up on Haiti

Posted 30 January 2024, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> He said: “We had an FAA audit. The
> head of our Civil Aviation Authority
> is still presenting the formal
> findings. So, we do now expect to have
> the formal document and assessment
> from the FAA by the end of this month.
> But there is an action plan as it
> relates to addressing any remedies we
> find as a result of this audit.”

How can you have an action plan to address anything deficiencies, when you have not received a report as yet? Does that mean they know there are deficiencies and did not fix them prior to the audit?

However, Mr. Aranaha is correct. It was totally irresponsible for Bahamasair to try and throw shade on others airlines, for what it a Bahamasair issue.

moncurcool says...

Spot on

This government trying to take over Freeport and cannot even develop West End and East End.

moncurcool says...

This letter writer really needs to read what he is writing.

Bain says he does not support capital punishment because of what the New Testament says, not because of the history of the Anglican Church.

Further, in Romans, Paul is not supporting capital punishment, he is just saying what the state does.

On Rev Bain’s remarks not scriptural

Posted 19 January 2024, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> national Security Minister Wayne
> Munroe said though facial recognition
> CCTVs may wrongly identify someone as
> a criminal, “being arrested on
> suspicion and being held up to 48
> hours is part of the price we pay for
> living in a free, democratic, orderly
> society”.

I am sorry, being arrested on suspicion and wrongfully detained is not the price you pay in a democratic society. That is what happens in a dictatorship.

Guess now we understand what this self called new day government is really about.

But this is what the man showed during the 2017 election when he took his finger and told the Bahamian people to kiss his a**.

May Angelou was right: when people show you who they are, believe them.