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moncurcool says...

This letter writer really needs to read what he is writing.

Bain says he does not support capital punishment because of what the New Testament says, not because of the history of the Anglican Church.

Further, in Romans, Paul is not supporting capital punishment, he is just saying what the state does.

On Rev Bain’s remarks not scriptural

Posted 19 January 2024, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> national Security Minister Wayne
> Munroe said though facial recognition
> CCTVs may wrongly identify someone as
> a criminal, “being arrested on
> suspicion and being held up to 48
> hours is part of the price we pay for
> living in a free, democratic, orderly
> society”.

I am sorry, being arrested on suspicion and wrongfully detained is not the price you pay in a democratic society. That is what happens in a dictatorship.

Guess now we understand what this self called new day government is really about.

But this is what the man showed during the 2017 election when he took his finger and told the Bahamian people to kiss his a**.

May Angelou was right: when people show you who they are, believe them.

moncurcool says...

Didn't Mitchell insult the intelligence of the Bahamian people the other day by saying you could go to the Ministry and ask for information and get it? Maybe just go ask. Though we all how how that will turn out.

moncurcool says...

So the Ministry expects the public to do their job?

Do teachers not take attendance in class? So if a child is missing, assign one of the administrators at the school to do a daily call to find out why the child is not in school.

Besides, the biggest problem with our education system is that we teach for passing exams and not for having children develop skills through programs designed fro their interest.

moncurcool says...

So true.

They need to provide the facts on how roadblocks make you safer.

Look at countries and cities around the world that dealt with their crime issuers, and nowhere do you see them saying how more roadblocks. that inconvenience the ctiizens deterred crime.

moncurcool says...


The PM really believe the Bahamian people have no sense.

moncurcool says...

When you have a COP like this, it becomes evident why crime is the way it is. An the COP seems shocked by the silence.

moncurcool says...

How is it that you can read an article and don't find out what the issue is? This is a very poor article. It is just people spewing words, but no one really explains what the issue is?

moncurcool says...

Guess this why the PM saying he need to work on the financial strain on the Bahamian people. He is the one who is putting the strain on them, and now talking about trying to reduce it.

moncurcool says...

You are correct.

The fact that that is the view of the PM is a clear indication that he is not willing to have complete transparency in government. It leaves a cloud of suspicion that he wants to have the option to still be able to have corruption exist in government, and to keep the public away from being able to scrutinize what government does.