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moncurcool says...

The US VP did not come to meet with Davis, she came to meet with the Caricom leaders. And the only reason it happen in The Bahamas was Davis is chair of Caricom at this time. If another Caricom leader was chair, the meeting would have happened in that country.

It is ludicrous to think that Davis traveling all over the world, caused the US VP to come here. That is seriously flawed deduction and reasoning.

moncurcool says...

The last thing Freeport needs is a government takeover.

moncurcool says...

> “Vice-President Kamala Harris is
> coming here tomorrow, which is the
> first official visit by a sitting
> president or vice president since
> Independence,” Mr Davis said during a
> debate in the House of Assembly. “You
> see, when you conduct strategic
> international relations, you don’t sit
> in a hotel corridor hoping that a
> world leader will spare you a few
> minutes.”

Wow. The PM head so far up his own koolaid, that he actually believes that Kamala came to our country just because he wasting money traveling all over the place. We in trouble. We need serious help in the leadership of this country.

moncurcool says...

> “There’s an agreement between the two
> sides. The government is supposed to
> provide services to the city and the
> GBPA is supposed to pay the government
> back for those services.

Our newspapers need to stop printing stupidity. Challenge these MPs to provide proof for the statements they make, or do not print them at all.

What services do the government provide Freeport?
Garbage collection? No, as that is a paid service by all residents.
Road side cleaning? No, as all have to pay service charge
Electricity? No. as no one wants BPL

Tired of these politicians and remarks with o factual proof.

moncurcool says...

How do you keep a country dumb and and allow mismanagement of public funds? You ensure that you never allow a Freedom of Information Act to be properly enacted.

moncurcool says...

Who the heck is she? Where was her voice all this years on any matter of significance in The Bahamas? Where was she in giving action? She is just a typical politician.

On Ann Marie Davis responds to Rex Major

Posted 6 June 2023, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

This country is going to the dogs. By the time of the election, who will want to be in The Bahamas, the way this New Day government is just taxing the hell out of people.

You would think these brain dead politicians would first start with paying what the government owes NIB from raiding it for their slush projects that give no return.

moncurcool says...

“You must understand some children are academic, some children learn with their hands. The difference does not make one better than the other. It makes each person an individual.”

So if that is the point, why not change the curriculum and the teaching styles? Typical to tinker with change that just dumb down the education system rather than may serious systemic change that revolutionizes education in this country.

moncurcool says...

Some valid points made.

Only they already sold the airport, so how do you revert to them controlling that?

moncurcool says...

> “We’re splitting hairs here,” he said.
> “I think if I tell you 99.9 per cent
> Bahamian people are concerned, I
> believe, I’m concerned about tax rises
> on me, alright? So if you raised the
> departure tax on cruise ships, I don’t
> think you’ll get an argument from
> anybody because if you survey 100
> Bahamians –– 99 per cent will tell you
> we don’t get enough from them anyhow.
> They’re polluting our waters. They’re
> making a lot of money, and we don’t
> get anything. So I don’t think you’ll
> get an argument. So who, you know, if
> someone wants to split hairs on that,
> they’re welcome to it.”

So the so called Economics Minister says that raising taxes on cruise ship passengers gts more from the cruise ships? Wow! Is he really that shallow. That tax is getting more from the passenger, nto the cruise ships, because all the cruise lines do is charge that tax to the passenger.

How about really taxing the cruise line? How about not giving away Paradise Island crown land to RCI? How about really taxing cruise lines and not passengers?