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moncurcool says...

So the PM has no faith in his own healthcare system? He goes out of county to another healthcare system for treatment?

That speaks volumes

On PM to be treated for sciatica in US

Posted 21 July 2024, 12:04 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So true

Ever since Davis tried to make UCRA regulator for GBPC with the crazy legislation, GBPC has become like BPL all of a sudden with these frequent power outages.

moncurcool says...

> And while some people are suggesting
> that because Adderley is so young, she
> can wait for the next four-year cycle
> to get ready for the Olympics is
> hogwash because if she didn’t run in
> the World Relays, The Bahamas may not
> have a team qualified.

This statement is so biased and myopic. Maybe the writer could have noted that thee were a number of other athletes with better times than Adderley who wee not able to come to the World relays as their schools did not release them. Trying to make Adderley seems like the be-all-end-all fo the mixed team is crazy.

And, if Gardnier and Miller-Ubio are not in the pool fo the Olympic team, we can forget it. Let's see how Adderley can do without them.

While the BOC may have the final word in selection, a fair and clear process is needed. Not one whee the president comes on national tv and says my daughter says if we don't pick Adderley she will quit track. That is not how you pick a team.

On Weighing in on the Olympic debate

Posted 19 July 2024, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

So will the government stop covering medical insurance for the families of Cabinet members?

Will they also stop paying a pension to all the consultants they have brought back from retirement?

Will they also stop paying the pension of politicians who have died to their families?

moncurcool says...

> The Prime Minister yesterday said the
> world must move from awareness to
> action on combating the growing threat
> posed by climate change and associated
> natural disasters.

How can anyone take this guy serious when he has not done anything in his won country to reduce dependence on fossil fuels?

Maybe Davis needs to take his own advice and move from rhetoric to action.

moncurcool says...

> Foreign Affairs Minister Fred
> Mitchell, Labour Minister Pia
> Glover-Rolle and Education Minister
> Glenys Hanna-Martin were among those
> present to welcome the group upon
> their arrival. They greeted them with
> smiles, handshakes and hugs.


Government needs to stop this foolishness of using tax payer money to fly these people home. If you make the choice to leave home to go to a school outside the country, then you need to be able to ay to get out when the time comes. That is called taking responsibility.

On Safe from the storm

Posted 3 July 2024, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> One concerned parent said the Bahamian
> government was moving too slowly to
> bring students home.

This parent needs their head checked. This is not the responsibility of the government.

My child was in Florida when a hurricane was about to pass through. I went online, purchased a ticket for her, and brought her home. That is my responsibility and not the government.

moncurcool says...

Do you realize that Colorado thought the same thing? Now with other states having their own industry people stop traveling and stayed in their own state.

Why would Floridians travel to GB when they can do it right in Florida?

Pipe dream?

moncurcool says...

You are not serious right?

If the owner is compliant, all the goon squad has to do is check the records at the relevant government offices.

This is intimidation.

But it easy not to see the issue, until they do it to you.

moncurcool says...

This has nothing to do with enforcement. This is intimidation.

IF the business was not ib compliance why not go to court and shut it down?

Further, the nonsensical response was that they checking for compliance. That is ridiculous. Every government entity has records. All they had to do was check their records.

Since when do we have goon squads with guns going around to check for compliance? This is gestapo tactics.