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moncurcool says...


You can have teh intimidation unit go into CBS Bahamas with guns, and yet that same unit will never go down Cowpen Road whee they are lined up from just after 6:00 in the morning, everyday.

moncurcool says...

What make it worst, is that the court and the police station are in the same yard, facing each other.

moncurcool says...

So are all the foreign consultants not going to be hired anymore?

Guess there is a mixed message between the tongue and teeth.

moncurcool says...

So a Maritime Task Force for Revenue is on land? And why do they need the police and defense force for revenue collection? Is that their role?

And to make matters worst, this clearly shows the incompetence of the government. Do these people on the taskforce not have these records in their offices? They do not have computers that recorded what businesses turned in what? They have to walk into a business to determine if it is compliant?

This reeks of gestapo style aggression towards businesses.

moncurcool says...

This is terrible should these alleged facts be proven true.

It would mean that there needs to be serious house cleaning in the Ministry of Finance.

moncurcool says...

Fred Mitchell is indicative of the backwardness of this country. He is one reason why I would support a term limits bill for MPs. He really need to take his archaic thinking and go

2026 cannot soon come.

moncurcool says...

> Third quarter statistics found that 64
> percent of people worked in the
> private sector while 19 percent were
> government/quasi-employees.

If 64% are private and 19% government, where are the other 17%?

> “The ‘community, social and personal
> services’ industrial group, which
> includes the public service, police
> service and domestic service,
> continues to account for the largest
> share (37 percent) of the workforce,
> while the ‘hotel and restaurants’
> industrial group accounted for (20
> percent),” experts found.

And how is it that on the other hand, 37% in public?

Something seems amis to me.

On 1 in 10 people without a job

Posted 24 June 2024, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

> He did not provide significant details
> on the plan, such as how it will be
> funded.

This statement right there is most alarming. All the big talk, but who will fund it? Will taxes be raised on the heads of Bahamians again to fund this?

moncurcool says...

These PLP people in government like to make up things and provide no facts to prove it. And these reporters just print the nonsense they spew without challenging them.

The report says exports decline by 44%. The Senator say, that is re-esport but Bahamian export remain steady, yet, he provides no facts to prove what he says.

So, we are just to believe whatever comes out of his mouth?

moncurcool says...

So are you saying not having a pre-determined set period of time between elections is what keeps an opposition incentivize to be vigilant? And having a fixed election date will not keep them vigilant? I guess our neighbour to the North then can never have an opposition that is vigilant, since they have fixed election dates?

I concur with you on the term limits for Prime Ministers.

And just like we can have a PM term limits, we can have a fixed election date, so people are no disenfranchised from voting by these elections called at the whim of a PM and they did not get to register. A mature democracy does not hide elections. Only dictatorships that want to rule do that.