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moncurcool says...

And yet he talks about how the police don't get credit for their work in building cases against offenders. If the police build such a great case, then how you getting nothing going for the jugular?

We have too many brain dead people in key positions in this country who do not need to be there. And with this one on the way out, the one coming behind him is no better.

moncurcool says...

The so called experts are ignoring the biggest hinderance to the sustainability of NIB and solving it. Stop allowing government to use it as a slush fund.

If government cannot use NIB funds willy nilly, the issue would be resolved immediately.

moncurcool says...

> “Once the valve is released for
> Venezuela to provide fuel we will see
> a very significant downward trend on
> the cost of fuel,” Mr Davis said
> yesterday.

If this dude believes that sanctions on Venezuela has sent gas prices up and removing those sanctions will crate a significant drop in gas prices, then we really have a brain dead PM.

moncurcool says...

Does anyone realized that Independence was purely tied to politics? Pindling tied the election to independence. If people wanted independence vote for the PLP. If not vote the UBP. Now tell me, after majority rule had just come in, do you see the dilemma blacks were in with voting in that election?

moncurcool says...

Proud of what?

The fact that Bahamians are worst off in this country after independence than they were before independence?
Proud of the fact that the government want to tax the hell out of Bahamians?
Proud of the fact that we have a national debt over 10 billion after independence compared to having surplus budgets before independence?
Proud of the fact that Bahamians are treated as second class citizens in their own country?
Proud fo the fact that we have a political system that uses its citizens?

I'm sorry, 49 years after independence, really nothing to be proud of to celebrate.

On Independence events revealed

Posted 27 June 2022, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...


This Wilson character just spewing garbage.

moncurcool says...

This guy has no reason to resign unless he is convicted. Since when does someone being charge equate to being guilty. Maybe Munroe Davis need to go back into the PLP pass and see how sitting MPs from their own party were charged and never resigned. They all waited for the matter to be played out in a court of law.

moncurcool says...

So the government wants to put nothing into the exploration, but wants to takes the majority financial share of what is found? Typical government. Just want to do nothing, and take from people who are doing something.

What business person would pay all the cost to recover "treasure" and then gladly give the lion's share of the profit to someone who did nothing?

This is a shake down. Just operating like the mafia. Highway robbery. But then again this is just how the government operates with just taxing the hell out of the Bahamian society anyway, and boasting about how much VAT they are getting.

moncurcool says...

Nothing has happened except some noise in the market. The proof will be what happens after 14 days.

However, is the Minister going to deal with all the KNOWN shanty towns across this Bahamas?

On ‘You’ve 14 days to vacate land’

Posted 20 June 2022, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

That is exactly what I am wondering.

So tragic how these politician like to boast about stupidity.

On Two new schools for San Salvador and Exuma

Posted 15 June 2022, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal