Comment history

moncurcool says...

How sad that we do not have politicians with integrity who have the gumption to call wrong wrong and right right.

On ‘No public criticism from me’

Posted 15 June 2022, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Amazing how they do not tell you how they raised the rates on many VAT free items that many people purchase more of?

It is despicable when these people speak and only give part of the picture.

Yet, if they cared about people and were raking in so much VAT, could they not give the people a VAT holiday with this inflation getting out of control.

moncurcool says...

Just when you think the HOA Speaker could not get any worst. She males the previous speaker look intelligent. Are we going to have another 4 years of this speaker who truly has shown she lacks the qualifications for this position?

She rants and raves about a civil servant not moving at her beck and call, and the Junior Minister then comes behind and reads a statement that calls everything into question she is ranting about.

moncurcool says...

So the best that Laroda can do to "solve" the NIB problem is to do what all brain dead politicians do and that is to say increase contributions by 2 percent?

What about him saying let us stop government from pillaging NIB and using it as slush fund?

What about him saying government needs to make all it loans payments back to NIB?

Say that and then i will know we have someone thinking outside the box.

moncurcool says...

> Most Bahamians, anecdotally, still
> think of Dr Minnis as the FNM’s real
> leader.


Minnis while as leader did not want to talk to the press. Now he is all over the place wanting to talk. He needs to sit down and be quiet and let the real party leader lead and not try to undermine Pintard, which is all he is trying to do.

Maybe if he had learned to talk to people while PM he would still be there.

like bcitizen said, he didn't go far enough.

moncurcool says...

Isn't it said the mentality of government leaders. They hope the elites come in and make the money and something trickles down to the people. Why not give people the tools they need to be their own owners, so they do not have to have anything trickle down but make it and have it for themselves.

moncurcool says...

Wasn't the PM in the news the other day spewing hot air that he got ONE company to reduce their container rates? Where is he now?

On Warning as container costs to double

Posted 10 May 2022, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Wasn't the PM in the news the other day spewing hot air that he got ONE company to reduce their container rates? Where he he now?

On Warning as container costs to double

Posted 10 May 2022, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Not just in Parliament, he is in the Cabinet!

I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for this level of breaking the law.