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mostsickandtired says...

Its really laughable that when FNM does skull doggery that FNM supporters still manage to twist the truth to make it seem as if the PLP were involved! laughable!
fnm supporters have to get their rose tinted glasses off their eyes and see the weaknesses of their party leaders and judge them on their own merits.
Stop bringing the PLP into it, all the time!

On Roberts mocks defeated FNMs

Posted 25 November 2014, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

when did 'hole' become a verb?

mostsickandtired says...

Yes, all Minnis says is that he is going to enforce the laws on the books. This is laughable. We need some tough innovative strategies to deal with this crime problem and he did not have an answer. He turned this crime problem into a political football AGAIN.
whilst the Bahamian people plain scared- scared to go out their home, scared to walk the street, scared to stay home. I know I scared.

On Minnis: I won’t lie to nation on crime

Posted 30 October 2014, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

Of course we hate each other! At least theoretically. When we see and know each other as Bahamians we love us, but the idea of another Black Bahamian getting rich and not us, fills us with hate and envy. When it is a foreigner getting rich we relax and say welcome, but a Bahamian, no way!

mostsickandtired says...

So very sad and so scary. Who is safe in this land if they can bust down doors, which is very noisy and still come in after they are told that the homeowner has a gun?
And Dr. Nottage says they will introduce more programs, what a joke! This is a serious national problem that they need to call an immediate enclave of intelligent professionals, local and foreign experts to come up with a NEW solution. I don't want to hear about more police cars, more hired officers, more overtime etc. THey don't stop people from getting killed. we need drastic measures. We might have to curtail certain freedoms like in war time, but aren't we living in a war zone now?

On Man shot dead in home invasion

Posted 29 October 2014, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

Thank you Reverend, you are a quiet voice of reason in a marketplace full of puffed up self righteous screamers. Yes we need to wake up and stop toting these half baked repressive notions that continues to bring this country down. We are supposed to be educated people and why equal rights for women is being connected to gay marriage, makes me realize the serious lack of critical analytical thinkers we have here in the Bahamas. These simpletons are in every walk of life - in parliament, in the church, in the business places, radio talk show hosts, everywhere!
But thank you reverend and Bishop Gomez on his sensible stance on agreeing with legalizing webshops if casinos are already legalized (duh!)- you represent Christ and present a more favourable light on Christianity than you ever realize. Christ wants us to walk humbly and treat people fairly - and that Sir, is what you are trying to do.

On Bishop says gay marriage row is a red herring

Posted 17 October 2014, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

Someone needs to get in PHA NOW and start firing people and closing up the loopholes.
This fraud is continuing today, as just yesterday a patient at PMH needed medicine and PMH didn't have it, so they had to buy it from Doctor's Hospital.
People's lives are in jeopardy as we wait for government to review and come to a decision?
This is ludicrous. We cant have this lingering like the Renward Wells LOI matter. This needs to be addressed now.
And for all those tricksters and fraudsters within this PHA, I hope your conscience burns you for all the possible diseases and death that you may have caused because people couldn't get their prescriptions when they needed it or as often as they needed it!

On Hospital auditor defends report

Posted 16 October 2014, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

I am so tired of the Tribune's blatant attempts to stir up controversy within the FNM by saying 'a well- placed source within the FNM'! who is that person, or is that just the Tribune wanting to further their agenda to get Hubert back? Why do we follow up such stupid stories in the Tribune coming from 'a well-placed source in the FNM'? What kind of proper journalism is that? how are they allowed to get away with such statements? it would not have been allowed in any paper worth its ink in the US!
But perhaps the Tribune speaks the truth, as they are a well placed within the FNM!

On Sands admits harm from FNM infighting

Posted 2 October 2014, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

Yes VAT will destroy this country. Why aren't there more conversations about the devastating impact of VAT? We don't have to wait until it comes to realize what will happen. When you have to pay VAT on medical services, medicines, insurance, food, services, gas, BEC, phone bill etc etc
we will be ruined! Just read the VAT guides. A tidal wave is coming and everyone going about their normal business. We need to agitate the government to revise, make changes, make concessions NOW!

mostsickandtired says...

Yes, this is why I knew it would be wrong to support these pastors, now their true colours are coming out. They are personally affronted that their voice wasn't heard. I don't know if they fighting for the people, for God, for what, because they keep changing why they speaking out.
Craig Flowers made a statement and they felt they had to respond publicly?
Pastors, please be gracious in your loss and don't say anything more. To call down the wrath of God because this bill was passed is outrageous. For all the sins and crimes happening in the Bahamas and God is going to take vengeance because some pastors views were not supported?
Obviously they need to go back to their churches where their enormous egos can be stroked.
Now, if they care about their own souls, they will take this time to reflect and get back to why they were called to ministry, or whether they really are called to ministry or should pursue something else....maybe politics?

On 'Rebuke' for government for pastors

Posted 30 September 2014, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal