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mostsickandtired says...

Listening to Cash and the FNM, you would swear the PLP can do nothing right. Even when they do what they ask, it still wrong. Of course Wells has to speak on this issue. He is not a silent partner, his signature is on the LOI. I want to know and the Bahamas wants to know why he signed on that dotted line.
If this is any indication of how the FNM will run their govt then we have reason to fear. If an FNM MP does something questionable they don't have to come clean with the Bahamian public either?
Cash needs to consider the image he is presenting to the Bahamian people, but then again if he is only campaigning to be FNM chairman, I am sure the PLP haters of the FNM, see nothing wrong or absurd in his actions.
Continue on smartly then.


Posted 29 September 2014, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

I want to know how this private event and private conversation became national news?
Obviously the Tribune wants to sow discord and distrust for Minnis AND Butler Turner.
I hope it is not to clear the way for Hubert to return again! Heaven forbid.

mostsickandtired says...

Why should we Bahamians be guided by foreign banks who try to instill fear in us by saying how they will close down? They have been closing down since Hubert enacted those Financial laws and they still moving out and downsizing NOW. The banking sector is definitely not what it was, and of course they are scared of the Numbers Houses financial resources, where hopefully Bahamians will now be able to get legitimate loans at lower rates than at these loan shark established banks.
As John stated, only the numbers houses are flourishing. I look forward to the time when our black brothers and sisters have the same power and monetary resources that the white privileged minority have enjoyed for so long on the backs of their ancestors' pirating, slave ownership, bootlegging, gun running etc!

mostsickandtired says...

Thank you, Mad Hatter!
These self righteous clergy have never done anything to stop the numbers houses or the people that play there. They don't offer no counseling services, they don't mention it as a sin when they are evangelizing.
If they had really tried to stop this scourge I would have supported them, but it will take Government programs to help the people who have a gambling problem...unfortunately not the church.
They have accepted their filthy lucre and never did anything to help these people. The government is totally right to legalize this trade.

mostsickandtired says...

Thank goodness its passed. Now an industry that has been in the Bahamas for generations will be legalized and taxed and we can finally enjoy some of their profits, the same way we do on casino taxes!
Bunch of hypocritical pharissees who opposed it, anyway...too self righteous for me.

mostsickandtired says...

This needs to be addressed immediately!
Where is the Bahamas National Trust? That beach looks terrible. I go to that beach and I cant believe it looks like that. What can be done now to clean this up?
I remember in Eleuthera Winding Bay beach there was some sort of oil spill years ago and for years when we went there we would get big tar spots on our feet and shoes.
I hope this is cleaned up soon.

mostsickandtired says...

I am always amazed at the hypocrisy of Bahamians. We have condoned the 'numbers' business for decades. We have made jokes about it in our churches, workplaces, bars - wherever Bahamians gather, and nothing was ever done to stop it- by the church, by the government, law enforcement - nobody. We have probably all benefited from it in one form or another by either ourselves or relatives or church members giving us some of the proceeds, and never did we REFUSE the money!
now that we want to legalize it and recognize it as a business, all of a sudden we are condemning it and acting all 'holier than thou'!
When they legalized marijuana use in the US in various states, did they do a retroactive bill to somehow penalize all those dealers who were selling it illegally before? Of course not!
When they lifted the prohibition ban on selling alcohol did they penalize the rum runners? Of course not!
We are not a Christian society, never was, never will be. When Jesus comes again, HE will usher in a new world where we, if we believe in HIM and follow His commands, will then be a part of that Christian world. Until then, lets not fool ourselves.
Tell Rollins sit down, and stop giving hypocritical, nonsensical statements!

mostsickandtired says...

Yes, the government has failed its people, and since we continue to vote them in, we have failed as a nation and at being good stewards of what God has entrusted to us.
Whenever I pass by our cordoned off beaches and obscured sea views, I want to cry for our people. How is it that we cannot enjoy so many miles of beaches because a house, a wall, bushes, mounds of sand prevent us from parking our cars close by, getting out and enjoying the beach?
I am always left with the opinion that if the government in power cannot even secure this fundamental right to enjoy the sun sand and sea, what good are they? They don't really care about us at all! We don't all have the luxury of a swimming pool or access to a private home or gated community with a beach, so this privilege that every Bahamian should be enjoying, is denied to us. And no Government has ever tried to give this right back to us.
So I am sure if I feel saddened about this, how does our youth feel when the good life is right there in front of their eyes but they cant access it, because of poor education, favouritism to the foreign worker, illegal immigrants forcing down the wages to unliveable standards?
Lord help us because our governments are not, they ALL seeking to enrich themselves and their families and friends...

On Minnis: PM has failed the nation over crime

Posted 27 August 2014, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

I am appalled at Dr. Rollins outburst. It was childish, petty and smacks of egotism. One can disagree without insulting a person and he insulted not only Perry as a person and spokesman but as his leader. If I was to make an outburst like that about my boss, it would be because I have my resignation in hand, and damn the consequences!
I hope Rollins does not still think he can maintain his MP position under the PLP banner? He needs to resign his post, he was elected under the PLP and the people voted for him as a PLP. So if you are so honourable Dr. Rollins, and not in this for the fame, money and notoriety, then please resign! Now I am sure the PLP and Rollins do not want that to happen because no one wants a by-election, but if Dr. Rollins is so principled and he feels that strongly about HIS leader, then surely he cannot continue to be a part of Christie's administration eh?

On Rollins calls for new leadership

Posted 21 August 2014, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

mostsickandtired says...

I agree with Dr Munroe. The amendments are 'noble' and they need to be passed. If a religious leader can say this, then those crazy homophobic agitators out there don't have a leg to stand on!
Right thinking Bahamian men and women need to come together to support these bills and don't let the crazy sensationalists rule the printed word and the airwaves.
When I hear these backward, imbecilic cretons who are afraid of CHANGE talking their brand of rubbish, I realize how stupid and uneducated some Bahamians really are.
These persons will NEVER agree to any changes because they think any change is a BAD change. So even if the amendments are simplified or reworded again, those people will still hold on to their personal hangups and find fault with them.
Come on right thinking Bahamians, please let us be in the majority and vote YES!

On Munroe backs yes vote - but urges 2015 date

Posted 19 August 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal