Comment history

mrsmith says...

You missed one thing. They want our land.

On China diplomat attacks U.S. ‘abuse’ of power

Posted 11 September 2020, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

Yes. Exactly. And they do it all the time. Ask the hotel claims officers. I see you waving your star spangled banner. Wink.

mrsmith says...

So, sedition then? Got it. You go first.

On Code violations: Tip-offs wanted

Posted 7 September 2020, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

Americans in particular love to sue. They will deliberately infect themselves and then say the hotel or hotel staff gave it to them. Hope y’all ready for all those lawsuits. Or maybe you could issue a disclaimer or make them sign a waiver with every reservation that says they can’t sue you if they fall ill. Set. Lemme stop giving these idiots answers to their idiotic, self-imposed problems.

mrsmith says...

Retarded. Backwards as ever. So stop using the word quarantine and the meaning will disappear? I have an idea. Let’s say that Bahamians will also be vacationing in place. What utter foolishness.

mrsmith says...

Same thing I wondered.
Was the Bahamian company really a Bahamian company? Or parented by a non-Bahamian company, as so many Bahamians front local businesses owned by non-Bahamians?

mrsmith says...

You all over the place posting your libelous crap. Smith ain’t no fan of Minnis. At all. Figure out the rest.

mrsmith says...

This man is not a Minnis fan - far from it. Therein may lie the problem.

On PHA chief appealing tender 'abuse' Order

Posted 4 September 2020, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

I’m sorry you lost your babies ma’am. So very very sorry. A mother should never have to endure that.

On ‘Dorian took my girls’

Posted 1 September 2020, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

You’re right. They’re all guilty. Guardian and Eye Witness, ZNS and Our News. And you can tell when they are really typos. It’s almost as if English grammar and spelling are no longer a requirement for writing and reporting - in English no less! I think it starts with letting one or two errors slip by, then people are like yeah whatever nobody is checking anyway. Then their agencies - and we as a country - end up looking really, really, really illiterate.

On Jitney’s to resume today following protest

Posted 1 September 2020, 1:05 a.m. Suggest removal