Comment history

mrsmith says...

I concur! They were absolutely not missed!
And by the way, the plural of jitney is jitneys. ‘s indicates possession. What are they teaching reporters?

mrsmith says...

Excuse the Tribune. They fall asleep on nights and weekends. Still a sad story though not a local one.

mrsmith says...

The B dollar price is irrelevant if the B economy is dollarized.

mrsmith says...

So nature is taking care of our politician problem then? Whole new set may be in office at this rate.
‘Are in hospital after being examined’ = admitted?? Come on reporters.

mrsmith says...

Just a wild guess here that the mile long, 2 inch physical distancing grocery store, MWF shopping lines ain’t helping.

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 15 August 2020, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

jesus christos
Way to go Bahamas and NP. Sigh.

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 15 August 2020, 9:38 p.m. Suggest removal

mrsmith says...

Absolutely. But I see you are a traditional thinker, as you can’t imagine the possibilities of my statement. So, carry on.

mrsmith says...

I AM a foreigner, idiot. How does your idiotic statement of flooding a country with ‘more educated and secure‘ foreigners automatically translate to more foreign money in your pocket? Just give them all the quick easy right to live and work in your country and be done with it, so long as you get whatever foreign currency they decide to drip into your economy? They conduct their foreign business in foreign currency, and their local business in local currency. I should know. And you call yourself Economist. Jesus.

mrsmith says...

Foreign investors don’t need to be present to have foreign currency. They don’t need to immigrate or take up residence to make investment. How do you figure this is about immigration?

mrsmith says...

No plan? Lock dann!