Comment history says...

Jeff Lioyd is an idiot-period. This man should be made to resign. says...

Everyone who does not support oil drilling in the Bahamas should open up a go fund me account to help the Bahamas pay down its National debt. Millions of gallons of oil are transported on Ships through our waters each year. These hypocrites who oppose oil exploration in the Bahamas should give that some though. says...

Yes, the goverment should allow a third mobile operator. Cellular phone services in this country is still way too high. says...

Blame arrogant Jeff Lloyd for the poor grades. He should be made to resign. says...

I support the Goverment. Drill, drill. I hope that a lot of oil is down there. says...

I support the Goverment. Take your wife and your children back to your own country and go fishing there. God bless you Minister Johnson and Pintard for taking this stand. Oh, by the way I hope we discover a lot of OIL.

On Bahamian single women take brunt of COVID-19

Posted 23 December 2020, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal says...

Excellent. Drill, baby drill.

On BPC begins drilling exploratory oil well

Posted 21 December 2020, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal says...


On BPC begins drilling exploratory oil well

Posted 21 December 2020, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal says...

You are an idiot. says...

Why don't these two "CLOWNS" just go away. We shall DRILL for the OIL and thats that.
Let them drill Prime Minister. Let them drill; A born Bahamian.

On Oil opponents now seeking 'Xmas miracle'

Posted 21 December 2020, 8 a.m. Suggest removal