Comment history says...

Cuba has oil fields ninety (90) miles of the coast of Florida; Cuba has oil files approximately the same distance from the Bahamas. Oil tankers transport millions of barrels of oil through the waters of the Bahamas every year.

We have an oil refinery in Freeport. The (USA) has oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico. The Bahamas is a sovereign country. We determine our own destiny. I say drill, drill, drill. Ignore all of these prophets of dome. Enough (bs) -drill, drill, drill. says...

Outstanding Minister Bannister; do not meet with these ungrateful hypocrites.
It will be a great accomplishment if you can make some of them redundant.
Trust me, you have the support of the majority of well thinking water & Sewerage Customers.

On Bannister won't meet with WSC unions

Posted 19 December 2020, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal says...

The Water & Sewerage Corporations workers and their Unions are a bunch of ungrateful hypocrites. People are out of work and in some cases, cannot even fine sufficient food to feed their families. In the meantime, workers at the Water & Sewage Corporation still enjoy their full salary and all the fringe benefits that are offered to them by the Water& Sewerage Corporation.

They should hang their heads down in shame - asking for Christmas Bonus.

All the majority of the workers at W&S do is “BS” all day. They are lazy and heartless.
Chairman Adrian Gibson you are doing an excellent job down there at the Water & Sewerage Corporation – keep up the goods works and don’t back down. You have the support of the majority of the people who rely on the services of the Water & Sewerage Corporation

On Taxpayers 'sacrifice' to pay Water Corp wages

Posted 16 December 2020, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal says...

drill, drill drill. i pray they discover 20 oil fields.
We have to many "alarmist" in the Bahamas. All they do is to sow confusion. drill, drill - drill. says...

Here we go again more confusion. says...

Any person who is stupid enough to fire a gun at a police, or any other law enforcement officer, should be shot- dead if possible. Get the scum bags of the streets. I support the police – end of story.

On Man shot by police after high speed chase

Posted 4 December 2020, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal says...


On Man shot by police after high speed chase

Posted 4 December 2020, 5:29 a.m. Suggest removal says...

Drill for the oil- end of story. says...

Our politicians in the Bahamas do not follow the Westmimser System of Governance. Moreover, they are not moralistic or ethical people. In the (UK) the (DPM) would have resiged without- hesitation. The (PM) is acting like a hypocrite in this matter. He fired others in his cabinet before, without consulting with his cabinet. Vote 2022. We need a republic. In the (UK) they are problably saying what a bunch of jokers we have in the Bahamas. says...

I am saddened over the death of this young man and if the officer in question acted recklessly in this matter, he should be punished to the full extent of the law.

However, there are many police officers who do their jobs professionally - risking their lives every day to keep us safe.

Consequently, lets us not bacterized our police officers – because we never know when we will need them to come to our aid.