Comment history says...

I totally agree with the comments above. says...

W&S operates like the mafia in Eleuthera. If you are not (F,F or L) it could months to get a water connection. Moreover the staff is very, rude and uncaring. says...

I totally agree with one of the writers comments above. The staff at W&S on Eleuthrea are very, very disrespectful. They seldom answer the telephone and when they do, they never have any definitive information, with regard to your call.

It sometimes take months to get a water meter connection - unless you are in the click or (F,L or F)

Moreover, they make you pay for infrastructure - that sometimes already exist in the area (they did this to me) where they are making the water connection to your premises.

Trust me W&S acts like the mafia on Eleuthera.
I beleieve that the Minister should take a look at the entire operation up there.

If we are going to develop our family of Islands: W&S, Cable Bahamas, BTC all need to get their act together becaues the amount of time that it takes to get an answer about a request for service, or the service itself from these three (3) entities is poor, poor poor