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nassaudaddy says...

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On Arawak Homes a ‘victim of atrocious governance’

Posted 6 January 2015, 2:22 p.m.

nassaudaddy says...

The answer to the whole BEC fiasco is get rid of the incompetence. We have a totally incompetent PM who is afraid to act on any important issue facing our country and he keeps putting his incompetent cronies who gets absolutely nothing done, and on the backside of that reappoints them. Leslie Miller has no idea of what the HELL he's doing and keeps trying to make make himself look good. Put people in place that can solve the problem,and that includes all the ministries. In my opinion they all need to be taken to the Fort in their jockey shorts and whipped

On No end in sight for BEC load shedding

Posted 7 September 2014, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

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On Miller hits back at 'psycho' critics

Posted 7 July 2014, 4:18 p.m.

nassaudaddy says...

I don't know why the clowns stay in town when the circus has left long ago.. Alfred Gray is the biggest thief of all and for the life of me i can't figure why these stupid people keep putting him back where he can make some ignorant decisions, and pad his back pocket. The police should have locked him up when they caught him in the church yard screwing around with the other mans wife. He's no good and he's a natural thief and i'm sure if the allow him he'll build a 200 million dollar university on Mayaguana or Inagua so that they can fund his 200 foot luxury yacht

nassaudaddy says...

There's so many ignorant stupid people in this Bahamas, who do not have the GOD given sense to see a no good man when they are right next to him. But even the devil has followers and Randy Fraser is a devil disguised as a preacher. Maybe his wife will vouch for him again and say they are having sex in the sanctuary of the Church to cover up for some other person's daughter or son that he's about to molest. Yes i said son because i'm hoping that they got a good piece of him while in Fox Hill prison, and maybe he liked what he got up there so he's trying to find a venue for his wicked ways. Hell is waiting for him and his wicked wife who has been stealing the churches money also.

On Sex offender Fraser launches new church

Posted 14 April 2014, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Picewell Forbes along with all the other knuckleheads who thought Leslie Miller was funny in his remarks about beating women, would never have apologized if there wasn't such a backlash from the women and the wider population who thought it was a horrible statement from and elected official. Miller only apologized because of the backlash outrage and out pouring of anger and disgust from the public. I guarantee that Leslie Miller is guilty of the offenses that he described, because he told the speaker that he doesn't lie especially about something as serious as that. Let these clowns know how offensive they are and let them walk the plank.

nassaudaddy says...

I think it's horrible that a distinguished officer such as Dwight Smith is paraded handcuffed in front of the news media, and doing the perp walk. The Police should have handled this matter in a more professional manner and handled it as and internal matter. It's so sad that what appears to be a retaliation move on the part of the police establishment to try and keep one of their own from seeking a nomination to a executive office could have disgraced him to this point. I do believe that Commissioner Greenslade could have done a lot more to bring this situation to a better conclusion than this. Shame on you Greenslade

nassaudaddy says...

Ask Bishop Randy Frazier, he may know where she is. He used to go after those students and i believe he's still out there doing his dutty business

On Police search for missing girl

Posted 13 January 2014, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Mr. Moss is no better than the rest of the knuckleheads in Parliament. He fired Mr. Cargill on the instructions of "Shame" Gibson who's the biggest thief of all of them. His first term in office saw him with an immense bank account and the Anna scandal should have put and end to his political career. Yet they now put him in charge of NIB where they are bulging at the seams with cash. It's like putting the fox to guard the hen house. Mr. Cargill was fired because he fired one of Shane Gibson's personal friends who he rehired after she got a huge bonus and termination package. Now who's the corrupt one there. All of them needs to be in Jail including Greg Moss who abused the NIB credit card for his own personal gain,and who instructed that he be given all of the package he received from Mr. Cargill even though no other Chairman had ever received those perks.

nassaudaddy says...

Mr. Christie,if you had surrounded yourself with some better people rather than a bunch of old Goats like BJ Nottage and Bradley Roberts to name a few. You may have gotten some better advice and maybe you would have had a legacy. All you have now is a total failure to govern this country and lots of failed policies' YOu let the number men control you and You're still not convinced that you are just a puppet Prime Minister who's afraid of your Ministers and Members. Grow some teticles and while you're at it let them give you some backbone and spine because you're lacking all of the necessary Manhood parts to make you relevant.

On PM gets tough on his legacy

Posted 4 January 2014, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal