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nassaudaddy says...

what if someone murders another person. They are also accused persons and maybe innocent. Do we let them go rather than hold them for court. They are all presumed to be innocent, but if they are guilty they may very well go out and commit other crimes just like the animals who are out there raining down terror on the Bahamian people. This person was caught my members of the church before he could go very far and all the property that he stole was recovered. Now do you get it John!!!

On Man faces court accused of church robbery

Posted 30 December 2013, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Commissioner Greenslade, while i know you're overwhelmed by the criminals in this country, you should at least have the guts to admit that you're out of your element. The only line these murderers know is the war line and they're not going to stop because the know you're soft and out of your league. Maybe you should resign because you have no control over this crime. I was held up at gunpoint on August Monday and shot at while crashing my car and having to run for my life and the police would not even come to the scene. The bandits went towards the police station and 5 prison overseers saw what happened and called the police and their response to me was i need to come to the station and make a report. That's the last i heard of the incident. I am confident that many more matters like my incident is swept under the rug.

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 27 December 2013, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

The problem with all of Brave Davis and the rest of the thieves up there is that they enjoy screwing the Bahamian people so much that they would sell their souls in order to stay in power. Almost all of the population see wrong in these conniving people taking double money from the Government and the ones we put in power is so interested in helping their own causes (Bank Accounts) that they're willing to do anything to facilitate their own evil ways. I wonder what their mothers think of them looking down from above. Shame, Shame, Shame they're crying.

On Showdown negotiations over double dipping

Posted 28 November 2013, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Brave Davis and Perry Christie are less than men when it comes to standing up with a pair of what makes men. They cannot ever be strong leaders because they bend and break when the going gets a little rough. A strong leader is one who takes on challenges head on and makes strong decisions when they have to. The should have taken the Job they have because it was hard and not easy. The vast majority of the Bahamian people are against the double dipping and yet they would go against the masses. Only punks do those things

On Government approves BEC double dipping

Posted 28 November 2013, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

Ortland Bodie is a total asshole and should be taken off the air at all costs. He has said lots of nasty things and caused a lot of heartache and problems for a variety of people in this country, just in the name of ratings and hopefully to get a larger listening audience. He will never again be allowed to practice law in this country because not only is he a thief he's a criminal too, and the only difference is the fact that he's not in jail. I implore the profession standards organization to seek to get him off the radio and give him an extreme censure. Too bad justice Isaacs didn't jail him instead of giving him the option to pay a fine. He's only gotten worse since then. I like Branville has a lot of choice words for him because he knows that that man is in a lot of pain right now and he's finding a way to pile on the misery. ortland bodie you're a pathetic sorry excuse for a man. I like Branville McCartney have some choice words for you, some of which i know Bran didn't use.

On Bodie sorry for mistake on air

Posted 31 October 2013, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

If they ever come out they need to be executed the same way they executed Officer Ambrose. These rotten men have been a menace and operated their criminal empire with impunity for many years with the feeling that they were above the law. Hopefully they will rot in Jail and never see the streets again.

nassaudaddy says...

This last statement is by a total asshole. If he was one of those people who had a family he would be singing another sad song. Some people are so damm stupid and this is a classic one of them

On Halkitis says contracts had expired

Posted 21 October 2013, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

He's not wrong about the figure, he just thought it would go by the wayside and the people accept it. You have a bunch of thieves up there and they ride the backs of us poor Bahamian citizens. Cronyism and nepotism is so rampant and a lot of the money is passed on to the other thieves that vote for and with them. I'm not surprised at the figure and i'll bet its' much higher than $5 million. It also goes with the murder count that they down play, the same murder figures that they ran on is coming to bite them in the ass. I'm willing to bet they will never give us The Citizens of this country a full and true accounting of what is happening, because if they do The whole bunch of them will end up doing time in Fox hill prison where the rest of the criminals reside

On Nottage says he was wrong by nearly $4m

Posted 8 October 2013, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

These Nasty MF's who think they're entitled to degrade our Bahama Land and bring their Nasty habits to our beautiful shores should be banished to another shore where they can live a life of nastiness. I'll be willing to bet their homes are they same way. The government needs to hand them a chain and ball and let them sit there in their filth.

On Anger over trash at Montagu boat ramp

Posted 6 September 2013, 6:31 a.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

These Illegal (clowns) immigrants come to our shores without invitation, anytime they desire to come here and expect for us to give them Atlantis treatment. The Cubans are now adopting the Haitian attitude which is now that i have arrived you have to take care of me and give me food medicine medical attention and somewhere to live, and they don't care whose property the squat on. They dig holes in the ground sometimes 1 or 2 feet deep and deposit their waste there and contaminate our water system. They build squalid huts without permits and have the audacity to dare us to tear them down. I say to the Government bring Loftus Roker back and let him handle them. They brought the water badge here for the wrong reason some years age. It should have been used to empty Abaco Nassau and all the other illegally inhabited Islands of all the illegal Haitians and Cubans and all others and make one trip and drop them off at some point on their own home soil. We cannot get a room in PMH because they have all filled all the rooms and refuse to pay one dime for the best medical care they have ever received. I say Bring Loftus Back