Comment history

nassaudaddy says...

These assholes should have been off the streets long time ago. It's sad when they were allowed to operate above the law for so long and bring so much hurt and pain to so many people in this country. The easy way to do this is to string them all up and let them swing and allow them to feel real pain. Hopefully they'll never see daylight again, because i guarantee they will bring more disaster to this country.

nassaudaddy says...

It's absurd to put security offices on duty protection millions of dollars worth of property with only a night stick. Arm them with shotguns and other lethal weapons and give them a fighting chance. Many of them have been killed and severely injured because these criminals have big guns and ammo and will not hesitate to use them...We need to stop thinking like we are in the 40's and 50's because the reality is that we will have more dead if we continue to think the way we are..

On School security officer stabbed

Posted 1 July 2013, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

nassaudaddy says...

I think the lesson in this, is the parents need to hold their children accountable for their actions. In their adult life bad behavor will lead to more serious consequences. Parents let the kids know what they have caused you, and stop bailing them out. Their vulgar behavior will only get worse and you will be looking at your good child through bars or a glass.

nassaudaddy says...

Commissioner Greenslade can very well do a lot if he chooses to, in respect of the Web shops. If he really wants to he can send some trusted Police offices there and buy numbers with marked money and find out for sure if they're gambling Illegally. He chooses to be a patsy and a foot stool for the Christie govt. and thereby cannot even seem to do the job that the people of the Bahamas are paying him for. It's not about being dictated to, it's about upholding the law and showing the people of the Bahamas that you don't have a yellow line down the middle of your back. I believe you do,and you're afraid of all the' little nothings that are doing all this nonsense in our Land. Grow a spine Commissioner