Comment history

newcitizen says...

Why would she consider another island? The government has shown that they do not care about the health of the people living here. It's not just having to deal with smoke, it's living with a leadership that has no interest in the wellbeing of the country.

newcitizen says...

In no imagined situation are we "in the frying pan" and the rest of the world is "the fire".

newcitizen says...

If you have an actual argument, I'm sure we would all love to here it. Sadly the only retorts you are able to come up with are hollow insults.

newcitizen says...

I see you're adding so much to the discussion.

newcitizen says...

Get an education! Being ignorant is not nearly as cool as you think it is.

newcitizen says...

I think we have to give him his due on this one. Yes, he is a member of the corrupt government, but he did the right thing here. He is entitled to be Mr Nygard and Mr Smith's attorney and he made it publicly known and said if the affidavits arrive at his committee then he will have to recuse himself. This is exactly how it should be handled for his situation. He, himself has at least done the right thing in this instance.

newcitizen says...

Forget Bacon and Nigard. The so called leaders of our country need to be investigated. Stop your love affair with Louis Bacon and start focusing on the Bahamian politicians who are taking these billionaires money to do as they please. The criminals are the politicians. Once we stamp them out, then we can go after Nygard and Bacon.

newcitizen says...

Let the exodus begin. This whole place has to burn to the ground before we will ever see anything get better.

newcitizen says...

Here here Tal! This place will never get better until we rid ourselves of the corrupt leaders from all shirt colours.

newcitizen says...

You are so damn ignorant. Permanent residents have rights in this country. You don't just get to accept them bringing money and buying homes and then tell them to get lost because they want to exercise their rights. This country is quickly going to hell, and people like you are in the driver's seat.