Comment history

nicolae says...

The warehouse must be big enough and you can store almost everything. I think it is a good investition. My father bought a similar warehouse for our new business with <a href="">welded steel pipe</a>

nicolae says...

They are investing a lot of money in marketing. I hope they have great people like <a href="">Perry Belcher</a> who is a marketing specialist and know how to use the money for a good marketing strategy.

nicolae says...

I have to say that for a business is very important to have a great website with a cool design. I work as a <a href="…">Ecommerce Website Builder</a> so I know how important is this if you want to have a successful business.

On A graphic expansion in employment numbers

Posted 28 December 2012, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

The increase is too high. The poor people will suffer the most due to this increase. I think that the main problem is that they don`t have people with experience and with good education to take care of all the problems. They should hire great financial advisers like <a href="…">John Studzinski</a>

On Threefold short-term debt rise'too much'

Posted 28 December 2012, 5:41 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I don`t understand why they always blame the others instead of doing something immediately. The telecommunication business could be successful if you hire the right persons to do it. A person like <a href="">John Studzinski</a>, who understands the finances and how to manage a business could be helpful

nicolae says...

Maybe the government should support the young investors and businessmen. The situation will get worse for the people. I think it is needed the advices of people like <a href="…">John Studzinski</a>

On Government's revenue forecasts off up to 16%

Posted 27 December 2012, 5:26 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

The debt is high. I am sure that this will increase the taxes. Maybe they should try to hire inteligent people like <a href="…">John Studzinski</a> as advisers in order to help them reduce the debt.

On Gov't short-term credit 'maxed out'

Posted 27 December 2012, 5:18 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

The debt is high. I am sure that this will increase the taxes.
Maybe they should try to hire inteligent people like <a href="…">John Studzinski</a> as advisers in order to help them reduce the debt.

On nicolae

Posted 27 December 2012, 5:15 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I wanted to have a <a href="…">nursing career</a> but I gave up when a friend told me what problems are within the health system. I think that it`s a nice career and the governement should help the medical system because our health is very important.

On PHA: No Bahamian 'exclusion' policy

Posted 23 December 2012, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I have been to a similar competition too and I even won an award. Now I am searching for good hair products. A friend gave me a few sites with hair products and I found some of the products I need. The sites could <a href="…">help you sell</a> a lot if you have a good marketing strategy.